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Credits to whoever came up with this idea forgot name sorry.

3rd POV:

Bakusquad we're out hanging at McDonald's eating chicken nuggets and Big Macs. Whilst the other 1A students were at the pool (minus dekusquad.)

As they left they drank their colas which had vodka added by them. They came to a stop at some traffic lights. Then a very expensive car came racing by with the roof down. In it was Asui driving with Shinso in shotgun drinking some monster energy drink. Todoroki was in the back belt unbuckled waving Endeavor's credit card with a bottle of Pepsi in his other hand. Ochako was tied with a rope to the car using her quirk to fly behind with Denki on her back also tied down.
Trailing behin was Iida with Deku on his back running after them in expensive clothes. Blasting Katy Perry. They stopped in front of the Bakusquad.
"What up dorks," Izuku laughed before they set off after the car again. Bakugo was beyond furious.

"Tech stupid Nerd," he growled "hey let's show them and sneak some alcohol into the dorms."

"Yeah sure bakubro," Kirishima agreed.

The Dekusquad pulled up outside Endeavor's agency blasting more Katy Perry. Smoothly Todoroki got out and ran in with his left side activated the rest pulled out spray paint and began to paint. They painted the dekusquad logo and wrote ENDEAVOR SUCKS 💩 FLAMING TRASH!!🗑

Todoroki finally came running out as the top floor of the building burst into flames. As quickly as the arrived dekusquad climbed into the car and Iida drove them away.

Later that evening Dekusquad and Yaoyorozu, who is trying to join Dekusquad too, were all in Todoroki's room messing around.

On the floor below in Bakugo's room the Bakusquad were sat drinking the case of beer they snuck in all slightly drunk. They were watching James Bond when they heard a crash come from the room above and things fall of the wall. Curiously the headed upstairs to take a look.

When they got to Todoroki's room they opened the door to see Todoroki on the floor drinking an entire case to himself in his boxers waving Endeavor's card to them. Asui was in a bikini in a paddling pool, filled with beer, eating some cupcakes. In the middle of the room was Momo was in the middle of the room also in a bikini with a bottle of wine and eating lots of expensive foods. Iida was in the corner next to Asui in a chair with an ungodly amount of expensive sunglasses on top of his head and in swimming trunks, also drinking wine.

Ochako was floating in the air above Asui drinking and occasionally kissing Asui and Iida, in a bikini and wearing Iida's shirt. Shinso and Denki were in their boxers on the bed doing belly shots of each other and giving each other hickeys. Deku at the end the bed doing TikTok dances and drinking a log more beer than the others.

Bakusquad just watched in the door unsure what to do. Deku finally noticed them and shouted in a different language to Ochako and Momo. Without hesitation they ran to the unsuspecting group and Uraraka used her quirk and Momo wrapped them in rope whilst Deku threw them out the window. The Deku squad watched them float away and scream laughing like crazy.

"Haha okay haha Momo ha you can haha join," Deku laughed "Baby girl you can release them now."
"Sure Izu," Ochako replied. Momo frowned at that.
"Oh it's what I call her even though we aren't dating," Deku explained.
"Release!" Dekusquad listened to the Bakusquad a screams and Deku gave Momo her tattoo.
They were about to open more beer when they heard Aizawa shout up to them. Quickly the had Todoroki burn the rubbish on the balcony and Asui threw the alcohol in the pool out the window and gave it to Todoroki to burn. Iida ran around spraying air freshener and Momo made sleeping bags. Shinso and Denki got out textbooks and popcorn. They didn't bother getting dressed.

Deku turned down the music and they all lay on the floor pretending to be having a sleepover study session eating popcorn and some of the expensive food that was left.

They finished just as the door opened.

Aizawa POV:

As we (the staff) we're walking to our dorm block we heard screaming. We looked around and saw Bakusquad (they'll all call it that) falling from the sky tied together.

All might jumped up and caught them before they hit the floor. After we untied them we asked them what happened. They all started talking at once. I glanced at the other teachers and they looked just as confused.

I activated my quirk. "One at a time," I growled. They looked to Bakugo who then described the traffic light incident and what just happened to them (not mentioning their beer). We sent them ahead to their dorms.

"What do you think," midnight asked.
"I believe they might be telling the truth especially after what endeavor told us it would make sense and they haven't pranked us so there's that," Nezu replied.
"Damn problem children let's just confront them," I said already going. There was a lot of sired from behind me.

I entered the 1A lobby.
"There in Todoroki's room sir why," Sato said coming out of the kitchen.
"Nothing that involves you," recovery girl said.
We began to walk up the stairs to Todoroki's room. As soon as we all got there I pushed the door open without knocking. All the staff stood near the door in his room. There was Midoriya, Ochako, Iida, Asui, Todoroki, Momo, Denki and shinso in a circle in that order. In the middle was their text books and some snacks. The only odd thing was that they weren't in clothes.
There wasn't any trace of alcohol like Bakugo said.

"What is going on here," asked all might.
"Study sleepover sir," Midoriya said sweetly.
"Hmm sure any way we have reason to bel-," all might began.
"Reason to believe you burnt and vandalised Endeavor's agency and we're driving a car and drinking alcohol." I said glaring at the green bean.

He leant on his elbows and looked like he was thinking.
"Hmm I don't know about that," he finally said "guys." They all shook their heads.

"What about this," I shouted showing them a picture of the graffiti "it literally says Dekusquad!"

"Hmm okay I'll confess it was me," Midoriya replied sitting up his friends looked at him confused "yep all me you see I have this crazy ability to get Shinso to do whatever I want so I got him to brainwash them well Ochako does whatever I want so not her but yeah I forced them to do it and the car thing too."

"Hmm and what about Bakusquad," Present Mic said not using his quirk for once.
"Oh yeah we all did that," Denki said.
"Yeah those bastards came in here all high and mighty and were being rude so we threw them out," Midoriya said.
"Then watched them float away," Ochako added.
"I'll take the blame for that too though as technically it was my idea," Midoriya added.

"So you know what you did and you want to take ALL the blame young  Midoriya," all might checked which revived a nod.

"Fine," I sighed looking at the staff then back to Midoriya "detention for two days after school."
"Okay sure thing sir," he said happily. I rolled my eyes and went to leave.
"Ooh sirrr," Midoriya called "bakusquad have a case of beer und kachans bed."

We left the dorms not checking Bakugo as we didn't care.
"He is a little devil isn't he," Vlad said.
"Yep," cementos agreed.
"Well at least he's a loyal devil I guess," Nezu said.
Once back at the teachers dorm I headed straight to mine and Mics room and fell asleep straight away.

Sorry the end is rushed I wanted to post this but was busy so finished it quickly

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