Episode 1 Part 2

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Stefan:Oh, came on Damon. We both know that you being in this car has absolutely nothing to do me anyways.
Damon:The elephanant in the room lets out a mighty roar.
Stefan: Well, it doesn't have to be an elephanant. Let's talk about it
Damon: There's nothing to talk about.
Stefan: That's not true. I'm sure there is. Just get it out. I mean, are you in this car because you want to help your little brother save the girl that he loves? Or is it because you love her too? Hmm? I mean come on, express yourself. I happen to like road trip bonding.
Damon: Keep it up. Stefan. I can step out of helping as easily as I stepped in.
Stefan: No, you see that's the beauty of it. You can't.
Gilbert Residence
[ Jeremy is in his bedroom with Bonnie. He's scratching for the place on cell phone.]
Bonnie: Alaric just left with Jenna.
Jeremy: He's getting her out of the house for a while so she doesn't ask questions about Elena. Look, I pulled this up based on that spot on the map.
[ He shows her his phone. His's found  a house.]
Jeremy: There's nothing for miles except for this old house.
Bonnie: Did you sent it to Stefan?
Jeremy: Yeah. I hate sitting here, waiting like this
Bonnie: Hey, she's gonna be fine.
Jeremy: You don't know that.
Bonnie:No I don't.
[ She gets up and rushes over her handbag. She takes the grimoire and sits on Jeremy's bed with him.]
Jeremy: What are you doing?
Bonnie: There's something else I want to try.
Jeremy: I don't get it.
Bonnie: I need a candle. Grab Elena's hairbrush.
Jeremy: Okay, yeah
[ Bonnie takes a paper and writes something on it beginning with " Stefan an...". Jeremy grabs Elena's hairbrush and a candle.]
Jeremy: What's all this stuff for?
Bonnie: I know It's crazy but I might be able to get her a message.
[ She crumples the paper and holds it her hand above the candle and opens it. She closes her eyes to cast the spell. Her nose begins to bleed. Jeremy notices the bleeding and alarmed.]
Jeremy: Bonnie? Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!
[ The paper is burning. Jeremy's tries to stop her but she keep going. The paper disappears.]
Jeremy: Bonnie.
[ She smiles and black out. She falls backwards unconscious on Jeremy's bed. Jeremy tries to rouse her by shaking her.]
Jeremy: Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!
[ Rose is in the, room alone. Elena joins her.]
Elena: Why am I here?
Rose: You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them.
Elena: Why won't you?
Rose: That's another one.
Elena: You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do tell me what you want with me.
Rose: I personally want nothing; I'm just a delivery service.
Elena: Delivery to who? Elijah and Danielle?
Rose: Two points to the eavesdropper.
Elena: who is they? Is they a Vampires ?
Rose: They one of the vampires, the orignals.
Rose: Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been treaching you your vampire history?
Elena: So you know Stefan and Damon
Rose: I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys thougth but I digress.
Elena: Who are the orignals?
Rose: Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess
Elena: But why me?
Rose: Because you're a Petrova Doppelgänger. You're the key to beaking the curse.
Elena: The curse? The sun and the moon curce?
Rose: Oh, you do know your history.
Elena: What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the course.
Rose: No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it.
Elena: The secrifice?
Rose:  The blood of the Doppelgänger. You're the Doppelgänger. Which means, in order to break the curse you're the one had to die.
Later in the house
[ Rose and Elena are still talking. Trevor arrives.]
Elena: Tell me more.
Trevor: Captivity has made her pushy, eh? What do want to know doppelicious?
Elena: Who were you running from?
Trevor: The Orignals.
Elena: Yeah, she said that. What does the mean?
Trevor: The first family, the old world. Rose and I pissed them off
Rose: Mm-hmm.
Trevor: Correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they wanted us dead.
Elena: What did you do?
Rose: He made the same mistake countlress others did: he trusted Katerina Petrova.
Elena: Katherine
Rose: The one and only, the first Petrova Doppelgänger.
Trevor: I halped her escape her fate and now I've, we're been marked ever since
Rose: Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again.
[ Bonnie is awake. Jeremy hives her a glass of water.]
Jeremy: Here, drink this.
Bonnie: Thanks.
[ She drinks.]
Jeremy: What happened? You scared the hell out of me.
Bonnie: It's nothing.
Jeremy: It's wasn't nothing, Bonnie.
Bonnie: I've been doing a lot magic lately. It wears me down.
Jeremy: When I'm worn dowm, I take a nap. You were...you were unconscious.
Bonnie: Witchraft has its limits. If i push too hard, it pushes back.
Jeremy: Howdo you know all this?
Bonnie: [ Motioning towards the grimoire.] It's all in here; It's like a reminder that I'm not invincible. Please... don't tell anyone.
Jerey: Why not?
Bonnie: because It's a weakness and I don't want certain people to know thay.
Jeremy: By certain people, you mean Damon.
Bonnie: I mean anyone that can hurt me.
Jeremy: I won't tell anyone, okay? I promise.
Bonnie: It's hard, you know? My grams is gone and my dad, he doesn't want to know about what I am. He hasn't sisnce my mom left. I'm all alone in this.
Jeremy: It's how I fell a lot of time, alone.
[ Long pause. They stare at each onther.]
Jeremy: Do you think that worked?
Bonnie: I have no idea.
[ Elena sits on the couch. She finds the handwritten paper Bonnie sent her. It reads " Stefan and Damon are coming for you.-B"]

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