(Modern AU) Warm - Xiao x Reader

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Inspired by artwork https://twitter.com/KuroshiroX/status/1409927313295351819?s=20 "Sukajan x Xiao" by KuroshiroX on Twitter

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?"

The mention of your name prompted you to look up from the pages of your book, your gaze meeting the amber eyes of your dark-skinned friend across the lunch table. You peeked up a bit to get a glimpse of her whole face, which held a plastered grin at your acknowledgment of her presence.

"Glued to your books, as always," Xinyan stated as she poked the wooden cover of your book. "Wouldn't you wanna listen to some good ol' rock 'n' roll while you read?"

"That seems... distracting." You sighed slightly at her suggestion as you bookmarked your page and closed your book. The cover of it read "Tales From the Waves" in Liyue script, paired with a nice illustration of an ocean wave to add to its blue color palette.

"Did Xingqiu give you that one?" She peered over at your side of the table as you placed the book into your backpack.

"More like recommended... I don't like borrowing books from him because he always wants them back while I'm still reading them."

"He's quite the fast reader," A masculine voice from beside you caught you and Xinyan's attention, making your heads turn to meet the ice-blue eyes of Chongyun. He sat down next to you with a blue popsicle in hand, as always. "He's in the library reading as we speak, actually."

"Does he hate us?" Xinyan sighed playfully as she took a bite into her lunch. Her bento box of Jueyun Chili Chicken reminded you of your own lunch, which was still unopened in front of you.

"Of course not. He just prefers to read in quiet places," Chongyun took a big bite of his popsicle before continuing. "I would do the same if I were around you, Xinyan."

"What can I say? I'm quite the rockstar~"

You all laughed at her smug comment before indulging in your lunches. The air of the school's cafeteria was thick with various smells and chattering voices, an atmosphere that was surprisingly comforting to you yet was also a bit overstimulating. Sometimes you wondered if it was best to eat lunch in the library with Xingqiu, but you decided that you didn't want to potentially ruin the books while eating your lunch.

As your eyes trailed over to various parts of the room, you stopped at a peculiar-looking student in the far distance, who seemed both lost and reserved.

His hair was medium-length and dark with teal undertones. His pale skin paired nicely with his overall dark attire, which consisted of a black, white, and turquoise-colored sukajan and black jeans, which were held up by a lavender belt with a distinct, teal emblem with wings.

When he suddenly turned around, you caught a glimpse of the artwork that was sewn onto the back of his sukajan; a large illustration of a menacing oni mask with protruding tusks and horns, decorated with white flowers that were scattered across the back.

Oh, what a nice jacket...

He turned back around to take a look at his surroundings while holding a small bento box. His face, which held a rather stoic expression yet was soft and attractive, surveyed the cafeteria. And when his enchanting, golden eyes met yours briefly, a sudden blush of embarrassment filled your cheeks as you hastily returned your gaze back to the table.

"Hm? Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Xinyan asked as she took a bite from her lunch.

"Nothing, what makes you say that?" You quickly opened your bento box to reveal the neatly packed (Lunch meal) with a side of fresh vegetables and fruit. You tried to break the wooden chopsticks on the side in a quick motion, but the top part was unevenly separated, making you sigh.

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