"What just happened? Why did they attack me?" Bolin asks. Korra and Asami come running back into the room and I hear their gasps as they look at the scene before them. I release Bolin and meet Korra's eye. 

"Get the Domestic Forces here." I order Korra and she nods running out of the restaurant immediately with Mako close by her side. I look away from them to Churo who stands on the other side of the restaurant, his eyes glued to mine. "Explain. Now!" I shout in rage. I storm towards the old man and he backs away slightly as fear flickers over his eyes. 

"Princess Ulazu, please, it has to be this way." Churo starts and I frown as I stop in front of him. 

"No, that's not an explanation. I am going to give you one chance to tell me why you would try to kill Bolin." I spit and he sighs holding the sides of his head as he looks to the floor. 

"If you marry Bolin then there's a chance our next Fire Lord will be an earthbender. A lot of people aren't happy about that." He says and I clench my jaw. 

"And so that's a reason to kill him?" I question angrily. 

"Don't you see?" He says as he looks straight into my eyes, tears starting to fall from his eyelashes, "people are planning to kill you. Killing Bolin is the only way to save you." He says as the tears fall. I stare at him for a moment longer before taking another step towards him to close the distance. I grab a hold of the scruff of his top and I stare at him, fire burning behind my eyes. 

"This isn't you saving me, this is you showing me who you truly are. An accomplice to a terrorist group." I hiss. I sense heat signatures approach and so I turn to see Korra and Mako return with ten Domestic Forces officers. Their eyes widen at the scene they walk into, but their eyes soon cling to me. I walk towards them dragging Churo with me. I shove him to the closest officer causing him to grunt in pain as he hits the floor. 

"They are all part of a terrorist group. I want them arrested and taken to Boiling Rock." I instruct. The officer closest to me nods her head before grabbing onto Churo. 

"Of course, Princess Ulazu. We will take them there immediately and begin interrogations." She says. 

"See to it that any information you find out is sent directly to the palace." I tell her and she nods again as her men begin arresting the other thugs, each of the groaning and grunting in pain from the rough movements. 

"Of course." She says again. I watch as Churo is forced out of his restaurant and my heart burns in pain. I have trusted that man for a large majority of my life, how could he betray me that easily? 

"Ulazu, are you okay?" I hear Bo's voice. I shake my head to remove my thoughts before looking to my friends. I clench my jaw and walk towards them to regroup.

"Bolin, I should be asking you that. Did they hurt you?" I ask him and he shakes his head. 

"N-no, I'm fine," he replies. 

"Churo's part of a terrorist group?" Korra asks and I sigh running my hands over my face. 

"I knew there would be a small handful of people that wouldn't be confident with me marrying Bolin, but I didn't realise it would be taken this far." I admit. My thoughts rush through my mind and I'm struggling to see what I should do. On one side, I want to beat down every terrorist and everyone who wants to lay a hand on a single hair on Bo's head. But the other side of me knows that I can't do that just yet, not when I'm so in the spotlight with my coronation so close. 

"So, what can we do? If we get married then people are going to try to kill you, you heard what Churo said." Bolin says sounding clearly stressed, not that I really blame him. I let out a small laugh as I turn to Bo.

"Don't think a group of terrorists is going to get you out of marrying me." I joke, but my joke only seems to make Bolin frown more. 

"Ulazu, this is serious. We don't know how big this terrorist group is, we don't know how many people are out there planning your death." He cries out. 

"Exactly, we don't know how big it is. I'm not putting my life on hold because people's minds are not progressive." I say and I know how uncomfortable Bolin is about this by his facial expressions. I don't want to put Bolin in a bad position, but Churo said people were planning to kill me. He was only trying to kill Bolin to save me. As long as he isn't in danger then I'm not changing anything until I have my facts.

"So, what do you want to do? Should we go back to the palace and tell Fire Lord Izumi?" Asami asks. I bite my lip as I think for a moment, but I soon take a deep breath. 

"No, I will call my mother and inform her about the threat, but our plan to tour the nation is still in place and we're starting it right now." I answer her. 

"Are you sure this is a smart idea?" Korra asks. I let out another laugh as I shake my head. 

"Honestly, I have no idea. But this tour needs to happen and we might also find out more about this terrorist group." I say. We all share a look, my eyes hovering over Bolin praying to see him give me any indication that he approves, but he doesn't let up. 

"Ulazu, we're with you." Mako says and they all nod in agreement, even Bolin does reluctantly. 

"Thank you." I say genuinely. I thought this tour was going to be a fun, laid-back time with my friends, but of course, it has to turn into another stupid Team Avatar adventure. I just pray to the spirits that this isn't my final one.

Fire Ferrets [3] BolinWhere stories live. Discover now