I saw the fists flying to my face but there was nothing I could do to stop it because for some fucking reason my limps couldn't move.

"I'm not a fucking faggot!" he yelled as he hit me. "I'm a man. I'm not a pussy like you."

Hit after hit.

The back of my head slammed into the ground every time his fist connected with my face. After a few hits, the pain had numbed but I could feel the blood dripping down my face and soaking the ground underneath my body.

I felt and heard the snap of bone as his fists connected with my nose. For a few seconds everything darkened but then I was conscious again.

A scream pierced the air. Thomas's weight shifted for a few seconds. I was aware of a sharp pain-filled cry and a soft sob.

I sucked in a shaky breath when Thomas's weight was lifted from my body. His blows stopped but my face and abdomen continued to throb. Sounds filled my ears but it sounded like it was coming from far away.


"We need to get him to a hospital."

"He's fine, Albany. I promise you that it looks worse because of all the blood."

"We need to get him to the hospital!"

Everything faded until darkness surrounded me.


The peep of the machines attached to my body was only making the pounding in my head worsen. I could feel how swollen my face was. The fact that I could only open one eyes about halfway was proof enough that Thomas fucked me up good.

I sighed and shifted slightly on the narrow bed.

A chair creaked, making me turn my head slightly. I blinked a few times but my vision stayed blurry. I had no fucking idea who was sitting next to my hospital bed.

"Do you want me to get the doctor?"

Severide. I slowly relaxed again and closed my eye. My body twitched when he placed his hand on my arm. He pulled back too soon for my liking.

"They want to keep you overnight for observation. You have a concussion."


He was silent for a few minutes. "Sam had him locked up. It's up to you and Albany whether you want to take things further or not."

I turned my head towards him slowly and opened my eye. My vision was a bit better. After a few more blinks, Severide finally came into focus.

"What happened to Albany?" I asked him.

Severide ran a hand through his hair and leaned back in the chair. "She tried to push Thomas off you. He hit her."

My hands curled into fists. Fucking bastard.

"She has a nasty bruise," he said before I could ask him, "and a broken arm." He sighed loudly. "Are you going to press charges, Kieran?"

I fucking should to teach him a lesson. They should lock him up for a few weeks maybe that would teach him a lesson. Sam should've done something sooner about Thomas's temper but he thought that things would fix themselves.

"Is Albany going to press charges?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her yet. Steven's with her at the moment."

The silence between us only lasted a few seconds before Severide asked the question I knew he was dying to.

"What happened?"

"A simple argument," I muttered.

He scoffed. "Simple my fucking ass. If Albany hadn't gone back to speak to him, Thomas would've beaten you to death."

For a moment fear filled me. Things could've been worse, he was right. He would've fucking killed me with his bare fists just because I called him a faggot. Thomas was scared to admit the truth, not only to himself but to the others too.

What I couldn't understand was why he feared everybody knowing. There was nothing wrong with being Bi-sexual. Thomas didn't have to fucking yell it from the roof tops to the whole world, he just needed to admit to himself that being with both man and woman was what made him happy.

"He's trying to knock her up," I told him. "I think that it's his way of putting claim on her. Thomas wants Albany all for himself."

"Are you being serious or is this your way at getting back at him?"

A threw a look at him before I closed my eye again. He could believe what he wanted too. All I knew is that everything we had with Albany was going to start crumbling to the ground because of him. 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now