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"Are you sure?" I asked her.

Albany nodded. I watched the colour flood her cheeks the longer I stared at her. I smiled and held out a hand towards her. She stared at it for a few seconds before she reached up and placed her hand in mine. Giving her fingers a squeeze, I pulled to her feet and then looked at my brother.

"Keep them occupied, will you?"

His smiled faded. "You're going to have fun without me?"

"For now," Albany said softly. "I want to have a threesome with the two of you."

I caught the devilish glint in his eyes but I shook my head to silence him. The last thing I wanted was for him to scare her away even before we'd had sex.

"How long are you going to be busy?" he asked as he switched off the TV and stood.

"I'll text you when we're done."

It looked like he wanted to say more but then decided against it. With a wink at Albany, he walked away. I waited until I heard the door close behind him before I turned to face Albany.

My eyes darted over her face, searching for a sign of distress but only found a bit of nervousness. Reaching up, I cupped her cheeks and took a step closer. My head lowered but I didn't kiss her like she wanted me too.

"You want to do this here? Now?" I asked her. "No roses and candlelight?"

"To be honest, I don't really want candlelight and roses."

I raised an eyebrow. "You don't?"

She shook her head and gave me a small smile. Placing her hands on my hips, she pulled me even closer. Her lips parted, drawing my attention for a few seconds. That was until she spoke.

"I know you're going to make it special either way. And I know that however we do it, it won't be something I'd forget."

Well, putting it that way. She made me fear that I might just fuck up her first time. I'd never taken a girl's virginity before, but I'd heard stories. For a moment fear had me second guessing, but then I pushed it aside.

"Shower with me?" I asked her as I straightened. "I stink."

Her nose twitched and then her face scrunched up. She waved a hand in front of her face. "You really do."

"I'll get the water ready," I called over my shoulder.

Stopping by the stairs, I kicked off my boots and then entered the bathroom. It wasn't as big as the bathrooms upstairs but it had everything we needed. I pushed the shower curtain aside and opened the tap.

I had already taken off my shirt and kicked off my pants when Albany appeared in the doorway. My eyes dropped to her hand before darting up to her face in question.

"So, uhm. . . I have something I need to tell you," she began softly. "I probably should've told you before but it just never came up."

I turned and gave her my full attention. Albany glanced over her shoulder before she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Licking her lips, she raised her hand and turned it around, palm up before she opened it.

I wasn't sure how to react to what she revealed. Of course we'd talked about buying the necessary contraceptive when the plans for the trip were finalized. We'd brought condoms even before Albany sent us the things she wanted to do with us because we knew that eventually things would lead to sex.

"Remember I told you about that night I almost had sex?" she asked me.

My eyes snapped up to hers. "I remember."

The colour in her cheeks darkened. For a moment it looked like she wanted to run and hide, but then she raised her chin and looked me in the eye again.

"I found out that I'm allergic to. . . I'm allergic to latex."

Allergic to latex? Reaching out, I picked the small box up from her palm and turned it around to read the front. Latex free, real feel condoms. Funny, I never knew these type of condoms existed.

"You're mad now."

My eyes snapped up to his. "Not mad. I just wished you said something before we bought other." I placed the box down and gave her a small smile. "You look nervous."

"I am." Her eyes dropped and slowly trailed over my body. "Your penis is a lot bigger than his."

Laughing, I gripped her hips and pulled her against my body. My lips captured hers as my hands slid to the small of her back. Her teeth nipped by lips, making a shudder race down my spine. Slowly her body relaxed against mine.

When I was sure that she was okay with it, I gripped the hem of her shirt and tugged it up. I had to break the kiss to get it over her head but the moment it was off, I kissed her again. Her small hands gripped my shoulders and then slowly slipped lower over my chest. My muscles clenched as her fingers dipped into the ridges of my abs.

"You have a very hot body for a professor," she whispered against my lips.

I laughed and slipped my hands down her side and to her stomach where I undid the button of her jeans and slipped the zip down. With one push they slipped to the floor and pooled around her ankles.

"Is that why you weren't paying any attention when you asked me to explain things to you?"

She nodded as she fingered the band of my briefs. Shy eyes darted up to mine before her fingers slipped underneath and slowly pushed them down.

A hiss fell from my lips when her fingers wrapped around my cock.

"I wanted you to fuck me on your desk."

Her words made my stomach clench. Images flashed through my head, making my skin heat up. I knew that if we hadn't been interrupted by my student I would've ended up fucking her on my desk.

"Next time," I promised her as I captured her lips again. 

The Bucket List (A REVERSE HAREM ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now