Nineteen Years Later

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"Hugo, Hugo, slow down for Gods sake!" Ginny called as her nephew ran through the crowds at Kings Cross Station, eager to reach his sister. Ginny ran after him, stopping only when she saw that Hugo was with Rose.

"Hey Ron. Hermione." She panted. Hermione smiled. "Hugo giving you trouble?" Ginny shook her head, though inwardly thinking that she would never accept another job to take her nephew and niece to Kings Cross Station. "It was really nice of you to come with us, Gin." Ron told her, giving Ginny a hug.

Ginny grinned. "I would never not accompany you, Ron. Anyways, I desperately needed a break. The Holyhead Harpies are on my head." Hermione laughed as she motioned for Ginny to follow her.

They reached Rose and Hugo, who were talking animatedly about Hogwarts. As their parents approached them, Hugo showed them his Chocolate frog card. "Nice." Ron said. "Taking after your father, I see." Hugo turned the card around to show them who the wizard was and Ron's smile faded, Hermione-who was fussing around Rose-froze and Ginny looked down on the ground.

"Harry Potter." Hugo read, oblivious to his parents and his aunt, "He was a great wizard who defeated The Dark Lord but died at the age of 17."

Ginny fiddled as she looked around for a change of topic. "Draco!" She called, relieved. "Hey, come here!" Draco came towards them and gave Ginny a hug. "Hey Ginny! Nice game last week, by the way. Hey Ron, Hermione!" He bent down. "And do my eyes decieve me or is that Hugo and Rose?" Rose laughed and said, "Don't joke with us, Uncle Draco." Hugo showed Draco the Card and Draco froze as well. After a minute, Draco said, his voice hoarse, "That's brilliant, Hugo. Brilliant."

The train whistle blew. Draco cursed. "Scorp! Hey, Scorp! Come quick!"

"Rose, board the train quick, come on." Hermione was calling to her daughter.

And as the Next Generation boarded the train, The Previous Generation watched. "I hope she does well." Hermione said fervently.

Everybody was happy and grinning, though a part of them still remembered the boy who should have been with them.

A boy with untidy black hair and almond shaped green eyes, Ginny thought.

A boy with something I could never have possessed, Hermione thought.

A boy who was my best friend, Ron thought.

A boy who proved Slytherins are good, Draco thought.

Harry Potter, they all thought.

Voldemort hadn't been seen in nineteen years.

But still...

All wasn't well.

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