The Trio Meets

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A/N: This story is about to get super dark. So, if you aren't a fan of it, I advise you leave now. Because otherwise you'll be too deep in the story to ever leave.

11 year old Harry Potter was sitting on the train, off to Hogwarts, off to a place where everybody knew his name but he knew nobody's. He was lost in his thoughts when someone knocked on his compartment door. He looked up to find the red headed boy from earlier. "Do you mind awfully if I sit here? All the other compartments are full." Harry felt a prick of irritation mixed with surprise, but being the kind boy he was, he nodded. "Of course." The boy smiled gratefully but eyed Harry with some apprehension.

Harry saw this and narrowed his eyes. "What are you looking at?" The red headed boy stammered, "Are you really Harry Potter?" Harry nodded. "So, do you have the..the.." Harry didn't understand. "Have what?" The boy lowered his voice like Hagrid had when he had told Harry Voldemort's name. "The scar?" Harry nodded, pushing his hair back. The boy looked at the scar with awe. "That's amazing. I am Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." He extended his hand and Harry took it. 

That was the day an unbreakable bond was formed between them. 


Harry and Ron Weasley were sitting in their compartment, eating and talking-Ron about to perform a spell- when a bushy girl entered. "Have you seen Neville's toad? He says he lost it somewhere." That's when her eyes fell on Ron. "Are you performing a spell?" She asked haughtily. "Let us see then." Ron started with the spell but it didn't work. The girl eyed him suspiciously. "Are you sure that's a real spell? Because I haven't seen it anywhere in any of the books I have read." She paused and said abruptly, "You should change. We are arriving at Hogwarts soon." Before going out the door, she introduced herself. "I am Hermione Granger." Then, the bushy mane of hair disappeared. 

Though Harry and Ron didn't know it, they had just found their third partner in crime for all the years to come.


Reaching Hogwarts, Harry and Ron waited for Professor McGonagall along with the other students. A blonde haired boy came up to Harry and held out a hand. "Hi. I am Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He said this as if Harry was supposed to know what the name Malfoy means. When he didn't respond, Draco began again. "I am a Slytherin. Will be one, anyway. I can help you with the wrong sort." After saying this, he glanced at Ron, standing beside Harry, hands in his pocket. Even though Harry refused the offer, he knew he was tempted by it. Slytherin was the house of Dark Magic, Hagrid had told him. Voldemort, the Darkest Wizard of all time was also a Slytherin. In that moment, Harry had wondered why someone would refuse power. 

Wasn't power what made you stronger?

Harry came out of his thoughts just as McGonagall ordered all the students to line up. That's when Harry wondered about the Houses. He couldn't deny that he was fascinated by Slytherin, just a little, with it's snake. 

When his name was called out, Harry couldn't not pay attention to the whispers of 'Harry Potter?', 'Their son?', and he clenched his jaw to control himself. He sat down on the stool snd he could feel everyone leaning forward. This is the moment, Harry thought. The moment they have all been waiting for. McGonagall placed the Hat on his head and for a fraction of a second, panic seized him. What if The Hat didn't choose any house? What if it didn't choose him? And even if it did, what if no one liked him? What if? But those doubts were soothed by a wave of slight relief when The Sorting Hat called out Slytherin. Everybody gasped and there were shocked murmurs going around. 

But, surprisingly, Harry was feeling light, like a weight had shifted from his shoulders. He was terrified of what might happen if he had been Sorted into Ravenclaw. He was terrified of pretending to be someone who he was not.

He didn't feel it then, but, somehow, Harry knew that he would learn Dark Magic. Would blend into the ways of the Slytherins. Because now he was one himself. 

The Sorting finished with Ron and Hermione joining Harry at the Slytherin table. When Ron had gone up to the Slytherin table, one of his brothers, Harry assumed, had actually shouted out, "There must be a mistake!" But there was no mistake. Ron and Hermione were Slytherins through and through.


Harry's First Year passed with him delving deeper into The Dark Arts, deeper into those spells which no one dared to use. With Draco Malfoy by his side, he learnt spells not even taught at the N.E.W.T. level. But even through all that, even though Harry shaped up to become ruthless and careful, deep inside he was still the kind boy he always was. 

But everyone knew that the day Harry returned to The Dursleys', that day would slowly be the downfall of Hogwarts.

Everyone knew that, yet, nobody could stop him.

Hermione's First Year passed with her delving deeper in books, in the one comfort she had always known. With Harry's spells and power at her side, she read books deep in the Restricted Section, ages old, that no one had ever touched. But even through all that, even though Hermione shaped up to become cunning and witty, deep inside, she was still the slightly innocent and brilliant girl she always was.

But everyone knew that the moment she started to put that knowledge to use, that day would slowly be the downfall of Hogwarts.

Everyone knew that, yet, nobody could stop her.

Ron's First Year passed in the shadow of his two best friends. WIth Harry's power and Hermione's cunning at his side, though, it was only a matter of time before he began to learn. Learn spells and embrace the Dark Side.

And everyone knew that the moment that happened, that day would slowly be the downfall of Hogwarts.

Everyone knew that, yet, nobody tried to stop him.

Every. Single. Person. knew that, yet nobody could stop them.

"And that was the biggest mistake they ever made in their entire lives!" Harry said, laughing viciously as he recounted the story of how he had chopped off Quirrel's head, to his friends. Then, he showed them a stone coloured red which made Ron grin and Hermione smile cruelly. "Well done Harry." "Yes mate. Good for us." 

Harry looked towards the distance as a cold grin crept up his face. "We are immortal. Not even time can stop us now."

Everyone knew this day would come.

Nobody knew it would be so soon.

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