Building towards Old Voldy's Downfall (A.K.A. Horcruxes) <PART 3>

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16 year old Harry Potter was mounting his broom, adrenaline pumping through the veins. Today was the day. Slytherin vs Hufflepuff. 

Harry closed his eyes, muttered a quick prayer, and shouted, "Come on, Slytherins! Let's show Hogwarts we are worthy of the goddamn Quidditch Cup!" The Slytherins cheered and went out in the stadium. 

Harry stepped forward and shook hands with the Hufflepuff captain. And the match started.

50-0 to Hufflepuff. 

Harry cursed. "Dammit, Ron! Keep well!" 

80-0 to Hufflepuff. 

"I need to find the snitch." Harry thought. Just then, 

"10-50 to Slytherin." The commentator shouted. Harry looked at who had scored. "Good one, Bole." He shouted, eyes peeled open for the snitch. 

Scanning the whole stadium, he was distracted by the flaming red hair of a particular Ginny Weasley. Taking his eyes away from Ginny, he searched for the Snitch again. 

"There." He muttered. A gleam of golden. He raced behind it, catching it.

Almost catching it. The Hufflepuff Seeker brushed passed him and he lost sight of the snitch. Harry cursed viciously, chasing after the Snitch again.

So close.

He stretched out his hand. He caught the snitch. And tumbled from his broom. 

"Arresto Momentum!" He shouted and landed softly on the ground. The Stadium erupted into cheers but Harry had eyes for only one person. 

Ginny was making his way towards him, grinning. She reached him and the world stopped. "Pretty good, Potter. Though if I were you, I wouldn't have fallen off that broom." Harry laughed, leaning his forehead on hers. "So, do I get that kiss or not?" Ginny chuckled. "I think you do." 

And they kissed. Everybody gasped and the chatter stopped. 

After several long moments - or it may have been half an hour - or possibly several sunlit days - they broke apart. The stadium had gone very quiet. Then, Ron shouted, "Finally!" The whole stadium laughed. 

They didn't care that I was a Slytherin and Ginny is a Gryffindor. Harry realised, grinning and leaning in for another kiss. 

The next day, Hogwarts was buzzing with gossip. The Chosen One and The Bat Bogey Hex Master? Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley? But Harry was happy he was part of some good gossip for once.

"Hey Gin." He said, as he walked into the Quidditch Changing Room of Gryffindors. "Hey Harry." "Gryffindor vs Slytherin in a month. You excited?" Harry asked, coming behind Ginny and wrapping her in a hug. "Oh yeah." Ginny replied. "We are going to kick your-" She broke off as Professor McGonagall entered. "Hello, Professor." Ginny said, prompting Harry, who had bent to kiss her, straighten up immediately. "Hi Professor." Harry murmured, blushing red. A smile curved McGonagall's face. "Well, Mr. Potter, as much as you are a good student, I simply cannot allow you to enter the Gryffindors Changing Room. And anyways," She added, "It's a quarter to nine. Even Miss Weasley shouldn't be here." Harry froze. "Professor, what did you say the time was?" "A quarter to nine." McGonagall replied. Harry cursed, punching the wall behind him. "Potter?" McGonagall asked. "Sorry, Professor but I am late for my detention with Snape. It started at 8." Ginny stifled a laugh. "Don't you laugh, Gin." Harry turned to her. "I am going to be getting detention for the next 5 years." "Harry, you only have one year before you graduate." "It's Snape! He could kill me, for all I know." McGonagall coughed. "If you do not want a severe punishment, Potter, I suggest you leave now." Harry nodded.  

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