"Yeah, it doesn't matter what we know, what we don't know."

"We are just a group of people who eat melon. In addition to watching the excitement, do we have the ability to change the established facts?"

Another person asked Yang Huayue, "Sister Xiaopeng, do you have any talents? Would you like to sing musical instruments?"

This question was asked again by Yang Huayue, and her expression was a little awkward. She said, "I'm a phonetic, I don't have five tones, I can't sing, and I don't have any musical instruments."

Tao Zhiyao heard and looked at Yang Huayue's earnest eyes as if he had met old comrades in arms, because at last someone was the same as her!

"Ha ha ha, sister Xiaopeng, is it really okay for you to expose your shortcomings so honestly? Doesn't your agency scold you?"

"No wonder you have never seen you sing in public."

"This is the live chat room of Douyin, notice the words, no anchor does not sing!"

"It's over, I really want to hear Sister Xiaopeng singing."

"Upstairs is good or bad, but I actually want to hear it."

"Sister Xiaopeng, just sing a song for us to solve it, rest assured, we will not laugh at you."

"Even if you laugh, you can't see it slightly."

Seeing these messages, Yang Huayue couldn't help crying, but she was also in a dilemma. She was afraid to sing because she was really hard to sing.

It is also beautiful, she is not as perfect and versatile as Liu Ye. She conforms to the saying that "no one is perfect". She has a high value, good acting skills, and talent in music. The amount is basically nothing. Talented.

The audience was too curious about Yang Huayue's singing. It was a rare opportunity. In order to coax her to sing, everyone spared a lot of money to lure thousands of yuan into Yang Huayue's eyes in the form of notes.

Weige even sent a red envelope worth ten thousand yuan again.

Li Xiaoru smiled and asked Yang Huayue, "Sister Huayue, what are you going to sing, I'll help you accompany you."

Yang Huayue: ""

It's all a bunch of bad guys! !! !!

Yang Huayue shot in advance and said, "When I sing, I am not allowed to throw stinky eggs at me, I am not allowed to leave the live studio, and I am not allowed to scold me !!!"


"It's too unconfident. How terrible it is."

Yang Huayue tangled for a long time, and said to Li Xiaoru painfully, "I sing, the sound of the wind."

This is the song she often listens to recently and the theme song of the movie she starred in. The lyrics and melody are also remembered.

"Hello," Li Xiaoru happily sat in front of the piano.

Even though Jiang Chengfeng and Liu Ye sang this song in the live broadcast room before, everyone is still looking forward to listening to Yang Huayue's version.

As a result, Yang Huayue opened her mouth

Everyone knelt.

From the first sentence, Yang Huayue's tunes were not tuned, and they ran farther and farther along the road of tunes, ups and downs, and slowly, slowly, 愣 has nothing to do with the main melody, Li Xiaoru who played the piano She was almost led away by a cold sweat.

"Sister, you tune! Cover your face and cry"

"I didn't hear it. It was listening. The sound of wind laughed and cried."

"What a soul singer."

"I can't stand the ears a bit ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Hey, since we asked for it ourselves, we must listen to it on our knees!"

"Sister Xiaopeng, in the future you will still perform well, don't take the singer's path."

"God is fair. Open a door and close a window."

Yang Huayue finally managed to sing the whole song in his own way. During this period, no one gave a reward, because everyone was stupid.

The comment area is also very quiet. Everyone does not know how to comfort and praise her extraordinary singing voice without hurting Yang Huayue's self-esteem.

Only one person left a message the first time,

Weige: "Courage is commendable."

And rewarded "Be my cat".

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