Family Time

315 15 4

Bryce's POV:
A few minutes had gone by and we soon arrived at Addison's parents house. I was nervous about seeing them again. Knowing what had happened when we broke up, I'm sure she talked shit about me too.

I still wanted to make a good impression. After all, we were starting over. I glance back at the beautiful girl right next to me. Uh, I love her so much. She was the only girl I had a relationship with that involved meeting the parents.

"Are we on time?" She glanced back at me. "Don't worry. We are on time." Addison gives me a reassuring smile. She could tell that I was nervous. I think she might have been a little nervous as well.

She takes my hand as we enter the house. Lucas had been in the front yard playing with a soccer ball.  He looks over at me and makes a giant grin. Then something unexpected happened.

Addison whispers in my ear, "He doesn't know we broke up. Please play along." I understood why she didn't tell him. It would have been way too confusing. He's know me for his whole life. We had a very strong bond. He looked up to me as a big brother.

"What?" Then all of a sudden, he rushes over and jumps into my arms. "I missed you so much." This was so adorable, I had missed him as well. "I missed you too buddy."

Addison just smiled and thanked me. He runs into the house and I use that as an opportunity to talk to her. "Is he the only one you haven't told here?" She looks down. "Yeah. I'm sorry I should have told him sooner but you are like a big brother to him. It would be mean to tell him he couldn't ever see you again."

"It's alright, I would have done the same thing." The last time I talked to Lucas was one day before we broke up. We walked into the house to find her parents and Enzo. To my surprise, Enzo and Monty came up to me. Enzo hugs me and Monty shakes my hand. "It's great to see you again, son."

Sheri is sitting in the kitchen by the island. She smiles at me and places the phone that she was holding down. I give her a friendly smile back. Then I go back to the conversation with Monty. "It's nice to see you too, sir."

He had always liked when I used respectful terms around him. He patted my back and gave Addison a kiss on the cheek. "Guys, come here." Sheri waves over to us. Hopefully, she didn't look on TikTok room.

Addison goes over to her mother and I fallow. "Hi mom." She says hello back. "It's lovely to have you back, dear. Make yourself comfortable. Lunch isn't going to be ready for a little while." She had been so kind to me. "Thank you."

Addison takes my hand to go in the back yard. Even though everyone else is inside, she still goes to the hammock that we used to lay in. "They still love you." It was so nice to hear, especially coming from her. I get closer to her and grab her chin. I place a soft kiss on her lips. She lets go and gives me a hug. We say for a few second until she jumps in my arms.

I move us over to the hammock and lay us both down. I kiss the top of her head as I position us comfortably. She gives me another kiss and puts her head back on my shoulder. We stayed there for what only seemed like a few minutes.

"Bryce, can we play?" Lucas looks at me with a pleading face. How could I say no to that. "Of course." I kiss Addison and move out of the way. "Can we play baseball?" He asks. "Yeah." He grabs two bats. They were both plastic and seemed to be a few inches long. He takes a small plastic ball of the ground and a stand that seemed to be three feet tall.

"I'm so happy that you are here." This kid was amazing. He was like the little brother I never had. "We'll, I'm glad I get to hang out with you." He took my hand and brought me over to help set up the stand. Addison watched and smiled.

Around ten minutes later, Sheri called us in for lunch. Addison grabs my hand and walks inside with me. We find a seat at the table and talk as if it was a regular thing we did.

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