In 1888, Seventy Year Old, Aiden Beltane was found by his visiting Cousin, Margret Thron, Seven days after his death. Margret seen walking in unannounced, feeling worried for her cousin, was met with her worst fear. Found her dear cousin who had hung himself in his bedroom among the rafters above with a note, later found my Salems Police in his shirt pocket, reading:
"I'm sorry for what I did."
Ruling this case, a suicide.

A tiny paragraph below his article reviewed a girl who was ruled as missing in 1818, and her mother who hadn't been found. Reported by Aiden seventy years ago before.
Holy shit. I mumbled. So many things began to make more sense, yet, something felt more off. I wrote down everything I had just discovered into my journal to show Ouija tomorrow. People believe she is missing, including her mother. Now to add her brother's suicide on top of that? Goddess be with me...

My door creaked softly as my mothers head poked inside. She was wearing her white doctor overcoat that settled over her blue uniform.

"Vex, I got an emergency at the hospital. I need to take graveyard shift tonight. I won't be home till morning, so Im expecting you to behave while I'm gone. Please feed Zen, and don't leave the house. I love you."

And almost instantly as she was in, she was rushing back out towards her car. Most humans don't know or understand this, but Cats are very special when they attach themselves to a clan, or a member, they are bonded for life.
My cat, Zen, found me when I was in junior year at the academy. I had been troubled experiencing troubles with my craving around humans, and I had followed this female who was walking near our perimeter. I felt like a predator stalking it's prey as I hid within the branches of our willow trees, watching her anxious movements. I landed on the ground behind her quietly, my mouth was watering at the meer thought of tasting her before Zen has shown herself. She hissed and bowed down into a fighting stance- scaring the girl off into another direction in full sprint.
Our eyes locked and something inside the two off us had shifted, (spiritually speaking.) Her presence alone had calmed me down, as mine did to her; Inseparable from their and on.

I dug through my dresser drawers that had neat folds within their wooden frames, pulling out a black pair of sweats, my black sweat shirt, and a dark purple tank top. I needed to get out for awhile.

I moved swiftly down the stairs and into the living room to find Zen curled into a ball on the couch, next to my spot. Her head perking up as I neared her, looking her multicoloured eyes on mine.

Unconcerned, my girl launched herself into my arms, and I had to my sweater and a small (slightly chubby) white cat. All the while Zen complaining at me in her soft childlike voice. She adored me, and definitely had chosen me as her own. But that didn't mean she wasn't a brat at times.
I shifted her to my shoulders as I tied my sweater around my waist, moving to the front, turning the brass door knob.

"Shall we go on a walk?" I asked her as I scratched under her chin. She purred in response as I set off down the street. The November evening breeze whipping locks of my hair around. The beach that was only five minutes away was along the coast of Salem, surrounded by sharp rocks that mainly found themselves fending off teenages in search for a makeout spot. Looking around for any spectators, coast looking clear, I jumped over the barrier quickly and onto the sand below on the other side.

Zen growled softly in my ear, (She hates it when I use my abilities.)
The smell of the damp earth is familiar, as is the way the water hitting the shore has captured the echo tight within the walls, making time slow and conversations last longer.

The water is calm and blue, it's surface rippling only at the edges where shallow waters meet the sand. On instinct, I moved closer to peer in, feeling a slight tug instinctive pity for the masked girl staring back at me.

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