Chapter 20 - Shio And Ako

Start from the beginning

Hopefully all of the examinees I had pushed out of the way and saved would help convince the to put me in the hero course if I didn't have enough points. I can't think like that. I still have two minutes to take out more robots.  I thought as I took out two more three-pointers. I rushed through the city for a few more seconds, taking out any left-over robots, before the ground began to rumble and shake. Only the months of hard training I'd been through kept me on my feet and running as I finished taking out another three-pointer. I'd taken out mostly three-pointers and a few one-pointers in the past minute, since they were the harder ones that were staying more towards the back and edges. I should be somewhere between seventy or eighty points. And then the few dozen applicants I saved should help attest to a heroic character.  I thought confidently as I paused on top of a roof.

I was scanning along the left wall not too far from me when a large shadow fell over me. I turned around and looked up to find the zero-pointer towering behind me as it made its way from the middle to the gate. It seemed fairly harmless as long as you stayed out of its way. The most it could do was crush you or get you with debris from the buildings it broke. I made way to the right side of the fake city, crossing only a little ways in front of the towering zero-pointer. I was just about to scale a fire escape when I heard a girl cry out. I whipped around and found the brown-haired girl who'd gone to help me before the exams. Her foot and the bottom half of her calf was stuck under a big chunk of concrete and the zero-pointer was closing in on her. I barely had the time to think, Well I hope I don't regret this.  before I was by her side. I crouched on the ground beside her and the chunk on her leg. The girl looked up at me with half-lidded, big brown eyes.

"H-help..." she said in a weak and hoarse voice before she broke into a coughing fit from all of the dust.

"Do you think you can move?" I asked. The girl opened her mouth to talk, made a croaking sound, then shook her head slightly. I huffed through my nose. "Alright. I'm going to try and push this off you." I said as I forced my hands under the chunk.

I could feel the rough concrete scraping the skin on my hands raw, but I couldn't feel the pain I knew should accompany it. I forced my hands even further under so that I could get a good grip and I felt blood start dripping down my hands and fingers and smear onto the concrete. I grunted as I forced myself to stand with the weight of the concrete. I kept pushing until I finally managed to flip the chunk onto its other side. I fell to the ground huffing and panting. I looked up and saw that the zero-pointer was getting closer, so I stood up again.

"We have to get you out of here." I said as I crouched and pulled her into my arms. 
"Put your arms around my neck and hold on tight." I said. The girl did and I felt her tighten her grip and bury her head onto my collarbone as I started running towards the front gate. All I needed was an alley or a street that led to the other side of the buildings, but they were all either dead-ends or blocked by robot pieces and debris. "If I can get us to a safe location, I should be able to take a look at your ankle." I told her. She nodded against my chest but thankfully didn't try to speak again.

Come on. Come on. Come on! Bingo!   I thought as I ran between a few broken robots and down a long side street. I turned the corner and crouched down. I set the girl down and she scooted backwards until she was leaning more fully against the wall. I stayed crouched by her ankle and checked my watch. There was still a minute of the exam left.

"Can I take a look at your ankle now?" I asked as I reached for it. She nodded I gently put my hand on her ankle and studied it. It didn't seem to be twisted in any odd directions, so she hadn't dislocated it and there hadn't appeared to be any serious breaks. "Is it alright if I roll your pant leg up?" I asked. The girl nodded again as she watched my hands on her ankle. I gently pulled up her pant leg and was proud of myself when I only heard her wince once. When I could see her ankle, I found it slightly swollen, but it seemed to just be twisted and bruised. Nothing felt broken, and it didn't seam to even be fractured. I told her as much as she sighed in relief.

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