Jasper and David were shocked, but Mr. Campbell told them that he had the perfect spot for the bears, and picked them up.

The story was now about to end. The three were now back at the Camp, Mr. Campbell telling everyone their story.

Everyone cheered for him.

Mr. Campbell then proceeded to tell everyone that David would also recieve a badge for his bravery, just like Jasper did in the morning.

This made David's eyes sparkle, the good camper in him now awoken, making everyone cheer.

Jasper smiled at his best friend, but that was cut short when the Quartermaster told him that he was disqualified from the order, since he used illegal light-up shoes technology.

Quartermaster ripped the badge away from his chest, making Jasper realize that Camp wasn't so good after all.


David ended his story. "...and that's how I came to love Camp Campbell! Ah, I love that story. So, what did you kids think?"

And now, the thing. It was already night time. Neil was already sleeping, Space Kid broke free from the box, tho there was still glue on his head, but he was also sleeping.

Max was crossing his arms, Nikki was still staring at David with sparkles in her eyes, and Y/N held her Blackmail book in her hand, scrolling through her infos.

"I think we passed the hospital two hours ago." Max told the cheery man with an annoyed attitude.

Then, the Car stopped driving.

"Also, we're out of gas." Nikki said.

Y/N sighed, putting her book away. "And what now?" She asked the man next to her.

David sighed, before looking at Y/N. "You have your phone with you, right?"

Y/N nodded at that, pulling it out.

"Could I have it for a second?" He asked.

Y/N thought about it for a second, before handing it to him.

David then proceeded to call the towing service.


Is that the correct word for it? Like, the people who get your car when it breaks down?


Max groaned at the back, making Y/N turn around to look at him.

"Neil, wake the fuck up! You're almost on my fucking lap!" Max shook the boy awake.

Neil groaned, before lifting hinself up and rubbing his eyes. "Are we at the hospital yet?"

"Nope, our car broke down and we passed the hospital hours ago." Nikki answered with a smile.

"Say what now?" Neil asked, suddenly wide awake.

David then put Y/N's phone back on her lap, before turning to look at the kids.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now