But then, Nikki pointed at a badge from Camp Campbell. "Hey David! What's that?"

"Oh this old thing?" David quickly glanced at the badge, smiling at it. "Well that takes me back! Back to the day I truly fell in love with Camp Campbell."

Y/N groaned. "Don't tell me that there's about to be a flashback scene."

"Oh god." Neil looked at the floor of the car.

Max grabbed Nikki, shacking her. "WHY WOULD YOU-"

David interrupted the boy, ignoring his attempt of yelling at Nikki. "You see, it all started years ago, back when I was a Campbell Camper, just like yourselves."

The screen started fading, showing that there was about to be a flashback scene.

Max wiggled his hands, screaming. "NO, NO, NO, NOOOO-"

Cue the Intro Song!

David started his story.

It was a Summer day, of course, at Camp Campbell.

Cameron Campbell was announcing who the best Camper was. David said that it was his best friend, Jasper.

Y/N recognized that name, since she met an Boy on Spooky Island with that exact same name.

Suprisingly, David was the Troublemaker in this story. And since he was such a "huge" Troublemaker, everyone decided it would be the best to send David with Mr. Campbell and Jasper on their Quest.

The Quest was for Jasper, so he could prove himself as the best Camper.

The Story followed on how David and Jasper were waiting for Mr.Campbell at the Flag pole, talking about Jasper's LA Gear light-up shoes.

The Man arrived, and they started their way on to finishing Jasper's quest, even after Mr. Campbell had to leave his hiking stuff behind.

David proceeded to tell the kids in the car on how they walked the same path over and over again, since Mr. Campbell was terrible with directions.

After repeating the same path over and over again, Jasper and David told Mr. Campbell that they were lost.

Mr. Campbell refused to really accept the fact that they were lost, but that moment was cut short.

Jasper found the tree, which was necessary for finishing the quest, and he proceeded to walk through the bushes towards the tree.

But, Jasper fell right down, screaming.

David ran towards the bushes, seeing that the Tree grew right on the Cliff.

Jasper held onto the tree, scared out of his mind.

David tried to grab ahold of his best friend, but Jasper slipped and fell into the dark void.

David seemed defeated. He couldn't believe that his best friend just died.

Oh wait, Plottwist! Jasper didn't die. From the bottom of the void, he yelled that he was alive.

Mr. Campbell then wanted to grab one of the branches of the Tree and call the quest done, but David denied, standing up to look at Mr. Campbell.

Well, and here are his exact words: "We can't go back yet. We have to rescue Jasper! Look, I know I'm a bad kid. I'm rotten to the core! But Jasper is the best of us. He deserves to be saved. And even if I'm not as good as he is, I'll be able to look back on this moment some day, while possibly telling this story to some kids in a car on the way to the hospital. And be-"

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now