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"And I watched you do a line
That you spread out on the table
I don't need to see you wired
I just wanna see you upside down"


Harry Styles

It's only been a week of this watchlist shit and I'm already exhausted.

We've spent this whole week tracking down meth dealers, and towards the end it was just getting annoying. Thankfully, we got the job done and successfully completed the mission without any major problems.

Saturday rolled around, and I decided to spend my time wisely before I had to attend 'Saturday movie night'.

I went back to headquarters to meet up with Felicity, an agent at A.M.B.E.R. Long story short we hooked up, it wasn't our first time, though. I had hooked up with her the first night staying at this specific headquarters and again a couple of days later.

She's the perfect one-night stand if you ask me. We're both just looking for a fuck buddy with no strings attached. She's hot and not clingy, what more could I ask for?

One thing did bother me, though. We were in the midst of everything, hot and sweaty, then randomly Lexi came to mind and she wouldn't fucking leave until I came.

It was weird and I don't know what to think about it. That's never happened to me before so I'm kind of freaked out. I know it's nothing, I probably wasn't distracted enough to the point where my mind went wondering. Considering I spend almost every fucking second of every fucking day with Lexi, of course she's the first person that comes to mind.

I'm not thinking into it because it's not that deep and means absolutely nothing.

After Felicity and I had sex, I went to the gym in HQ. I needed to work out some frustrations, clear my head. I could use the gym back at the house, but the HQ gym has a lot more equipment.

I spent an hour or so working out, mostly working on boxing skills, my stance, footwork, and control over my punches. Boxing is personally the most effective method to release some anger, concentrating my irritation into each forceful punch.

I've always liked boxing, but I started to get more into it when I first met Niall. We had that physical drive in common and boxing each other was fun when we were kids. Not as fun when we got older and we were able to break each other's noses.

After I had a boxing match with a punching bag, I went to The Vault for a drink before I came back to the house. I needed to have some alcohol in my system to get me through this movie night that apparently is a weekly thing.

Once I got back to the house everyone was either in the home cinema or in the kitchen getting snacks. That's where I am now, listening to Niall go on about something and Kehlani fighting him about it.

"So, you're telling me you'd rather have chocolate while watching a movie that popcorn?" Niall asks Kehlani, widening his eyes and shaking his head.

"Yes, chocolate is wayyyy better." Kehlani says as she pours a handful of m&m's into her mouth.

This argument of theirs has been going on for way longer than it needs to. They are a bunch of 8 year olds who can't understand people have different opinions. I mean personally I don't have a side. Not going to lie, I'll eat pretty much anything, apart from olives.

"You're just not mature enough to enjoy the saltiness." Niall fights, grabbing the bowl and shaking it.

"No, I just already swallow salty... substances, I don't need anymore." Kehlani taunts, flicking her hair off her shoulder and walking out of the kitchen with the m&m's.

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