25. The Girl With Green Eyes

Start from the beginning

"What did you do?" Irene's voice stopped her from sneaking back into the house. Everyone that had gathered around were too worried about the boy's current state to notice her. She wanted to use the opportunity to disappear but of course, Irene had spotted her.

Angelina swallowed a curse, stiffening when the woman approached her.

Unlike the other times the woman had simply looked upon her with malice and hostility, there was another sort of expression on her face that looked as if she was helplessly stunned.

Angelina eyed her with caution. "I don't think you would believe me even if I said so."

Irene shook her head, clutching a hand over her chest. The woman had lost most of the colour in her face." I felt something cold when you touched his cheeks. Like a cold wave. I haven't felt that sensation since our previous Luna."

"Let's go inside." Mason instructed, beckoning her inside the Pack House. Before he followed her, Angelina watched as he went to Brett's side and cupped his head. He whispered something to the little boy. Brett nodded quickly in response, clinging onto his mother's shoulders tightly. Nancy also exchanged a few words with Mason but when she abruptly faced Angelina, she was more than shocked when the woman offered her gratitude for saving her boy's life. The woman practically bowed to her several times with tear tracks still glossy on the apples of her cheeks. It was only when Tamsyn gently guided her off, she finally stopped. Brett had simply cast her a curious look over his mother's shoulder, only offering a dimpled smile when he was caught staring at her.

Angelina hadn't known what to say. She felt a little discomfort from the woman's magnanimous expression of gratitude.

She hadn't done anything. Not really.

Yet, Pack members were slowly looking at her with something else. Whispers began to rise through the crowd.

"Come on." Mason's hand spread along her back, leading her inside the Pack house.

They moved to the conference room. Irene took the head seat, immediately launching into questions.

"What did you do?"

"How did you do that?"

"He wasn't even breathing until you touched him!"

The last was an incredulous statement that carried an undertone of surprise and misplaced awe.

Angelina still didn't know what to say. Mason took the other head of the table. She was caught off guard when he looped his arms around her waist, pulling her into the V of his legs. "Alpha, I really don't think it is appropriate to talk like this in front of your Pack member." She tried to moved away.

"Are you uncomfortable Irene?" Mason asked the woman across the table.


"I'm uncomfortable!" Angelina pinched his thigh. Mason clucked his tongue, restraining her fingers with ease.

"Tell me child, what happened?" Irene leaned across the table, planting her elbows over it, and lacing her fingers together. Anticipation wafted off of her in thick waves, it was impossible to mistake it for anything else. This woman was like a dog on a bone. She wasn't going to let her line of questions dissipate until she had solid answers.

"Pause the questions for now Irene. I've called the others." Mason informed.

Irene immediately scowled, "Oh Goddess Mason. You couldn't have let me extract at least one reply from her?"

"We have a meeting scheduled for today anyway at this time. We'll discuss further when the others are here."

Irene sighed, clearly impatient.

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