So I was left in a very difficult position with him.

All I wanted, was to know about him. To know everything there was that made up Louis Tomlinson, so that I could be there for him and understand him better.

I rubbed a hand over my face before I climbed out of the bed, throwing the covers back.

I dug through my bag and found some clothes to put on, just finishing as Louis came back into the room.

“Hey.” He chirped, putting his stuff back in his bag like there was no problem at all. I did the same thing, turning around to see him standing there, smiling at me.

“Ready?” I asked, smiling back.

He shook his head and stepped forward, slipping his arms around my neck. He slowly leaned in as I wrapped my arms around his waist as I pulled him against me.

My eyes fluttered closed as I felt his lips brush against mine briefly, before he captured my lips in his.

It wasn’t steamy or particularly sexual, but it was full of trust and emotion. Like he was trying to show me how much I meant to him.

I kissed him back the same way, showing him the same emotion, before he pulled back, resting our foreheads together.

“Okay,” He whispered, looking up into my eyes. “I’m ready now.”

I smiled and pecked his lips one more time before giving his hands a squeeze and letting them go.

I followed him out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen where his mum was cooking breakfast and two of his sisters were sitting and eating at the table, Fizzy and Daisy

“Morning, sweetie.” Jay chimed as we walked into the room.

“Morning.” Louis mumbled back while I just smiled, for the both of us since Louis wasn’t at all.

We sat down at the table in silence while Jay kept cooking. She soon turned around, heaping bacon and eggs onto two plates before I got up to take them and put them in front of us.

“Thank you.” I said as I smiled at her and took the plates to the table.

Louis was still acting a little weird, but I could see he was trying to put it behind him. He was trying to move past it, but whatever happened obviously still haunted him to the point where he couldn’t trust his own family.

I smiled at him as I started eating and reached under the table to squeeze his leg reassuringly. He smiled back at me, silently thanking me as his sisters began to talk.

“So we saw you in that movie.” Fizzy said to Louis, grinning at him. “The Hunger Games. It was good.”

I saw her looking at him with an emotion I couldn’t quite place. I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to only see your brother through a screen, the same way the rest of the world saw him.

“Yeah.” Louis said, blushing. “I-It was fun, I guess.”

“Peeta’s hot.” She commented with a laugh, which Daisy giggled along to as well.

“Felicity!” Jay scolded her as she rolled her eyes.

“What?” He laughed. “It’s true.”

I laughed along with her quietly as Louis just blushed and looked down at his plate, playing with his food.

I watched as Daisy got down and left the room, without saying a word and Louis’ shoulders slumped.

The twins barely remembered him and I couldn’t even begin to imagine how that must have made him feel.

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