Chapter 12: The Diary

Start from the beginning


Valentines day had finally arrived, and everyone was excited. The Ball would be at 20:00, and the students couldn't wait. Some students had asked people out weeks in advance, some had done it days in advance, some were going to do it today, and some would be forced to go by themselves. 

Ron didnt have the courage to ask anyone out, and Harry hadn't had much luck either.

The quartet decided to go as a group of friends, even though multiple girls had asked Harry and multiple boys had asked Hermione and Kai.

Lockhart had decided to set up dwarfs dressed as cupid's around the castle, thinking that he had stopped all the attacks. They were spreading valentines to students throughout the castle and it was getting quite annoying.

One of the dwarfs approached the two Potters as they wandered the corridors of the castle  trying to get away from all their 'fans' who wanted to ask them out.

"Not again." Kai whined, she began dragging Harry out of the way, but the dwarf blocked their way.

"Move. Out. Of. The. Way." Kai said through gritted teeth. Tbe dwarf however continued his 'song'. Harry pushed the dwarf out of the way, but it grabbed onto his bag, making it crash to the ground. All its contents slipped out, spilling ink all over books and...the diary. Kai and harry rushed to pick everything up, with Percy Weasley fussing over something and his authority of prefectness.

Harry went through all his textbooks, throwing the clean ones back inside his bag and giving the rest to Kai, who magiced them clean.

He grimaces as he picked the empty ink bottle off the diary. He opened the book, ready to throw it out but, to his suprise, it was perfectly clean.

"Interesting...very interesting..." Kai looked over his shoulder. She then realized just how many people were watching and got up, taking Harry with her. She looked at Harry and nodded.

Suddenly, the two dashed out of the corridor and ran up a flight of stairs. They then slowed down and entered the common room, the two slumped themselves onto the couch. Harry still had the diary in his hand and both were in deep thought, thinking about what had happened and how the diary was clean even though an entire ink bottle was poured onto it.

After 5 minutes, Kai got up, "We have some experiments to make."

She walked over to the desk in the common room, Harry right behind her. They sat down and put the diary on tbe table.

For a couple moments, the two simply stared at the old book. Kai broke the silence by opening the book to a page at the front. She and Harry each took  out a quill and ink.

My name is Harry Potter

And I'm Kai Potter

The words stayed on the paper for a while before disappearing, as if sinking into the paper. Then at last, something happened. Oozing out of the page, came words the Potters had never written. 

Hello Harry and Kai Potter. My name is Tom Riddle. How did you come by my diary?

The diary responded to them. Kai pinched both herself and her brother, just to be safe.

Those words too, fadded away but not before Harry scribbled back. 

Someone tried to flush it down a toilet.

They waited eagerly for Riddle's reply.

Lucky that I recorded my memories in some more lasting way than ink. But I always knew there would be those who would not want this diary read. 

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