Chapter 7: The Plan

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Kai P.O.V. 

After at least 50 practices Ollie made us have at the crack of dawn, the day finally arrived. Today was the first Quidditch match of the season; Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. It was going to be rough, that's for sure, I mean the entire team's got Nimbus Two-Thousands-and Ones. Harry and I've got Nimbus Two-thousands, but the rest of the team's got Clean sweeps. 

Ara, Ginny and I walked towards the Quiddtch pitch, a whole half-hour early. Wood was, as we expected, already there, practicing his speech, which he probably knew of by-heart after the million times he's said it. 

"Good luck." Ara said, hugging me. 

"Yeah, but she doesn't need it, she has amazing talent already." Ginny added, as she had her turn hugging me. They then headed up to the stands, in order to grab good seats. In the distance, Harry and the other Gryffindor players began coming up towards the pitch, and into the changing rooms. 

"Ok, team," Oliver announced, once everyone was changed and ready, now having only 10 minutes before the game, "this is it-"-he was interupted by Fred who said, "the one we've all been waiting for." earning a glare from Wood. "We have to win to get a good start for the Cup. Harry, it's up to you to get that snitch before Malfoy can. Get the Snitch or die trying. Kai, you need to get those goals, you're the best Chaser we've got-" his speech continued for the next 5 minutes, but I didn't bother listening. Fred and George would occasionally finish Ollie's sentence, as they knew it off by heart now, which earned them a glare from Wood. 

We got out onto the field, greeted by a roar from the crowd. I spotted Ginny and Ara on one of the best spots, right between Slytherin and Gryffindor, so that Ara wouldn't be told off by her father for supporting Gryffindor, and her mother for not supporting her brother, which Ara wanted to do. Ron, Hermione, Neville and the other Gryffindor 2nd years weren't far off. 

Madam Hooch called us into a circle above her. "Now, I want a fair game." she said, looking specifically at Flint. She released the Snitch along with the two Bludgers, and Lee Jordan began commentating. "The Bludgers and the Golden Snitch are released. The Quarffle is removed from the legendary box, and the game begins!" Madam Hooch had thrown the Quarffle up high. I zoomed towards it, grabbing it and zoomed towards the Slytherin goal post. As Flint blocked my way, I threw it to Angelina, who soon pasted it back. Ducking beneath a Bludger, I smashed it into the top hoop. 

"GRYFFINDOR SCORES!! TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!!" Jordan bellowed, "Beautiful shot by Kai Potter, who is much more beautiful than that shot-" "JORDAN!" bellowed McGonagall "Sorry, Professor! Anyways, Flint takes the Quarffle, and-damn it-Slytherin scores ten points!" 

It was then that I noticed Harry, who was being chased by a Bludger. Fred swung his bat hard and the Bludger went flying, before boomeranging back to smash Harry. In five minutes time, both Fred and George were next to Harry, swinging the Bludger away from Harry, which just came flying back. I flew to Wood and ordered a time out, which we were given. 

"Wood, we can't keep playing. That Bludger has been bewitched! Harry could-" I began. 

"Are you saying we should give up, Kai? This isn't normal you, you're usually extremely competitive." Wood asked, he seemed annoyed. 

"Are you saying you're willing to risk my brother's life just for you to win this game?!?!?! Honestly, Wood, if you think making me feel guilty is going to let you do that, then you are wrong, so wrong." I shot back. I was annoyed. 

Wood seemed speechless at that, which was good. Then, he resumed the match, which, if there was not a crown of practically the whole school there, made me want to kill that son of a gun! Focus Kai, focus. The game resumed, until I saw a Bludger swishing towards me. I flipped upside-down on my broom in order to avoid it, but it followed me, along with it's brother, who came from bellow. SMASH! It hit me hard in the shoulder, and I dived towards the ground, so that if I was knocked off my broom it would do less damage. SMASH! again I was hit this time the knee. I saw myself tumbling towards the ground, until everything went black. 

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