Chapter 3

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Indigo woke up, her head resting on Lilith’s shoulder. Blinking blearily, Indigo sat up and slid slowly off the couch where she and Lilith had fallen asleep.

Looking out the window, indigo noted that the sun had set. How long ago, she had no clue.

Lilith was still asleep, so Indigo sat back down on the couch, laying her head against Lilith’s side and waiting for her to wake up.

Jenna walked beside Hamish, as they were heading back to the dormitory from the diner.

"I had a really nice time....with you. It was....good." she tells him.


"I can feel you staring." Lilith says with a smirk on her face, eyes still closed.

Hamish smiled. “I’m glad. I did too,” the knight stated as they walked back towards campus.

Indigo jumped at the sound of her girlfriend’s voice before slowly relaxing again.

“You’re awake?”

Jenna smiled brightly before she stumbled and clutched at her head, images flashing through her mind. Images that belonged to her brother in the other world.


Lilith opened her eyes and looked at Indigo.

"Yes, yes I am." She tells her, giving her a smirk.

She sat up a bit, to stretch before getting comfortable again.

"So, we spent the afternoon napping...what should we do now?" She asks.

Hamish noticed the change in Jenna. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked in a concerned voice.

Indigo laid her head down on the side of the couch and shrugged. “I have no clue. It’s late though and I’m now wide awake. Kind of in the mood for a drink, but I have no clue where Hamish is.”

Jenna groaned and stumbled back from Hamish. The images were coming in waves and she couldn't control them, sort through them.


"He's still not back yet? I thought he'd be back...he must still be out with Jenna then. I figured he'd be back by now." Lilith says.

“Wha—“ suddenly Hamish’s vision was flooded with the same images as jennas and he grabbed his head in surprise, blinking to try and clear them.

Indigo shrugged again before smirking. “Well…” she stated, drawing out the word. “Jack and Randall are out at the pub getting drunk, which means we have the house all to ourselves.” As she spoke, indigo leaned closer to Lilith until their lips met right when she finished speaking.

The images were dull in color. Jenna could see people in what seemed to be a camp, her brother was surrounded by children. He seemed to be entertaining them, with shadow puppets. There were another image that flashed through her mind, although this one seemed to be a memory.

Jack had grabbed onto Mary and in an attempt to protect her, wrapped his wings around her. The feeling of protection caused Jenna's wings to appear, which could be seen to the human eye. The images stopped and Jenna was knelt on the ground, with her wings out behind her.


Lilith smirked.

"Are you sure you want to do this? There's no going back if we do what...hopefully you're insinuating." She tells Indigo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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