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Percy kept running, pushing his pace to the limit. He sensed a powerful presence, that of an Olympian god or goddess. He had no intent to fight one, and a very small amount of hope. He had worked so hard for all his life, only to fail now? Not a chance. 

However, as he quickly rounded a corner, he was met with an overwhelming power in his mind before he crashed into someone. Not able to recover quick enough, he fell backwards, the person in front of them managing to stay upright in spite of the collision. Percy looked up, crawling backward a few steps rapidly. As he did so, he felt his head hit someone else, prompting him to look up. He gasped in shock as Hestia looked down at him, before he felt the soothing aura calm him forcefully. He wanted to fight the sensation, but Hestia was too close and too powerful. Looking forward again, he saw a person walking towards him-no, two of them, side by side. 

Unable to feel worried, Percy simply moved forward and stood, facing toward the two. He finally knew who they were. The god of the Underworld, Hades, and... a ghost? He didn't know who, but that wasn't a concern. "Why are you all here?" Percy asked, polite as could be. He could almost feel the smile that formed on Hestia's face as she walked in front of him, to stand with her brother. "We have no bad intentions, if that's what you mean. Rather, we wish to give you something." The goddess spoke, getting a raised eyebrow in response. Her expression darkened. 

"Our families are foolish." Hades said bluntly, not dancing around the subject. "We do not agree with their insanity, and part of me thinks that they are under some sort of influence. But, either way, we will not agree with them. So, we have figured there's a method to assist you, although I wasn't easily convinced by my sister here." He motioned towards Hestia at the end. She laughed, making Hades glare at her. She was not affected. 

"He practically screamed in excitement at the idea I gave him. Even if I wasn't here he'd gladly do it." Hestia said, covering a smile. Hades glared harder, while Percy just was confused further. "What do you have to help me with?" The demigod asked, Hestia's affect wearing off, but Percy deciding to listen regardless. The two gods looked at him, dead serious. "You deserve our blessings, and so you shall have them." The demigod began to protest, but the two merely rolled their eyes before a blast of energy flew outward from the two, sending Percy reeling. 

A few seconds after recovering, he looked up at them before he felt new power flood within him, making him feel less grounded. He made eye contact with Hestia before he sat down heavily, unable to maintain his footing. The feeling of what was coursing through him was unfamiliar, but he could've sworn it also seemed... right. As if this was his birthright. 

Hestia walked forward and lifted up the demigod, who now turned his gaze onto the present ghost. He gestured towards it before looking questioningly at Hades. The god seemed to do a double take as if he'd forgotten the person was there all along, before he elaborated on its purpose. "This is Klen, a person who I know very little about. However, I've heard he has quite unique tactics for helping you to avoid detection from the gods, and with luck, perhaps he'll be of use. Apparently you also fascinate him specifically, so when me and Hestia take our leave, he's sworn to guide you to somewhere so you can start anew, with a fresh life. How I don't know, but I trust in the oath." Hades explained, doubt in his eyes overshadowing the hope. He really didn't have much faith in the ghost, but he had no other choice. The god would not be able to hide Percy himself, not for long. 

The Son of Poseidon nodded in understanding, refusing to let the reality of all that had occurred stop him from acting immediately. Now was not the time to get lost in memories. 

"Brother, we must go unfortunately. I feel that the Olympians are scouring the land nearby. It is a matter of time until they sense our presences." Hestia spoke, before grabbing one of Percy's hands. "Trust in your instincts, Percy, they have done you well in the past. Go with the new power imbued in you, and continue to make the world a better place. You'll learn just what me and Hades' blessings entail with time. Just think of our abilities." Flames seemed to dance in her eyes as she finished speaking, her voice filled with emotion that hadn't been there before. 

Her face grew sad, eyes no longer as piercing. "You've always been different, and in every good way possible. Despite whatever history you have here, and the losses you found in your home... stay strong. I speak for Hades as well in this matter. If you ever come back... just know we'll be missing you as you're gone." A tear rolled down her face, and she gave him one last smile before her and Hades vanished, leaving only the ghost behind. He swore he could hear them whisper in his head as they left, encouraging words that he hardly understood. 

Not able to process the loss, Percy blinked several times before finding himself being dragged forward by the spirit. His eyes widened in shock as the incorporeal being somehow was able to touch him. Following involuntarily, he didn't say a word as the ghost seemed to speed up towards the nearest building, a house of some sort. When they reached it, Klen stopped and motioned for Percy to enter. The Son of Poseidon looked at him with confusion, getting a smirk in response before the ghost seemed to change form. After a second had passed of Percy staring in awe, Klen was no longer a human-resembling spirit. Now, it seemed so very alien. Standing much like a person would, Klen's features were reptilian in nature, eyes resembling slits, scales covering what was once skin, two arms of normal length with weird paw-like hands on the ends, no claws or nails on the non-scaled, furry appendage. Percy was about to freak and run away until suddenly the door opened, and like a vortex, he was sucked in, yelling before he vanished inside. Klen just watched as it happened. 

Feeling like he was spinning, the world entirely black, Percy attempted to open his eyes before realizing... they already were open. Not sure what was happening, he began to breathe rapidly before suddenly... he was in a room. It was small, like the living room of his old apartment when he lived with his mom, Sally. But, in spite of an odd light that seemed to come from nowhere, the room was entirely empty. There was nothing but odd, darkish brown walls and floor with one shut door, perhaps ten steps away. 

Mind whirring at a speed that would break any other demigod, Percy instinctively stepped forth, grabbing the door handle and twisting, before pulling it open. 

He gasped.

The world beyond was unnatural, trees of a foreign shape and substance, floor made of something other than dirt, and most importantly, the sky. 

It was not a blue sky. No, it was something wildly different.

Distant planets shimmered. Stars of varying sizes were in distant view. 

Percy was in space. 

He didn't know it at the time, but this would bring on the greatest change in his life. A new, fresh start, in different worlds and universes. 

A haunting past to battle, as the greatest hero in all of history. 

AN: A new series that had been started ages ago, when I used to have a consistent schedule. Perhaps this will go somewhere; perhaps not. Time will tell. 

Heavily inspired by An Assassin Called Cedmi, which I believe is among the top 5 best Percy Jackson fanfics ever written. Counting its sequel of course. Let me know your thoughts those who read this, and I will be back someday, presumably after finishing my original Percy Jackson story.

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