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A/N: I wanted to write angst at first but then this turned into some more unedited fluff stuff. Let's just say that Nya doesn't know how to do certain things...

Nya's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror as I slid on a robe and grinned like a maniac. I was ready. Time to get my game on. Maybe. I didn't know if this would work. 


The door slid to mine and Jay's room slid open as I lounged on our bed, my eyes glued to my phone as I scrolled through my phone.

"Hey Nya," Jay said, sliding the door shut as I mumbled a "hello" in response, not looking up. The bed shook a little as he climbed on and crawled toward me. 

"Whatcha doin'?" he asked, peering over my phone.


"Hmm... do you want to do something?" Jay propped his head on his fist and slid an arm around my waist, fiddling with the ties of my robe. 

"Isn't it a little late?" I said, glancing at the clock that read 1 am and playing with one of his chocolate-brown curls and combing my fingers through his hair.

"No," he said, burying his face in my stomach, tugging at the ties around my waist.

"Could you get me a glass of water?" I asked him. He lifted his head, giving me a look that said you waited until I'm comfortable to ask that?  Then he rolled over and walked out of the room. I quickly pulled the ties of my robe, shrugged it off, and tossed it to the floor beside the bed. 

I drew up my knees and picked my phone back up.

The door opened and closed again. I looked up at Jay. "Hey, I have your..." Jay trailed off as he walked into the room, stopping in his tracks. He cleared his throat as his eyes swept over me, then cleared his throat again. "What- what are you w-wearing?"

"Oh, this?" I said nonchalantly, looking down at the midnight blue scraps of lace. "I've been wearing this, but I got hot, so I took off the robe." A lie, but a necessary one. I held my hand out for the glass of water, and he wordlessly gave it to me, his eyes still raking my body up and down. There was a deep red blush high on his cheeks, highlighting his freckles. Even so, his eyes darkened dangerously.

"Lovie?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He carefully settled himself down next to me, the hungry look still in his eyes. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Mm-hmm." His eyes kept flicking from mine to my chest. He was practically bouncing where he sat, and he kept reaching down to adjust the pants of his gi. 

"Hey, my eyes are up here," I said, grabbing his chin and lifting it, forcing him to look away from my chest. 

"S-sorry," he said. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Never mind," I sighed, reclining into the pillows and sipping from the water before setting it on the nightstand, and then started scrolling through my phone again.

"No, I'm listening." He flashed me one of his most disarming smiles. "Tell me what you wanted to talk about."

I sighed again and pulled a blanket around me from the foot of our bed. "It's probably not worth your time anyway. We can talk about it in the morning."

"Nya, I'll always listen to you." He sounded sad and concerned. "You know that."

"I was just thinking about... well..." I fiddled with the fraying end of the blanket. 


"Just about how hard it is to lead you on," I groaned. "You make it too difficult with all of your puppy-dog faces and your smiles and your gentlemanliness- well, okay, you're far from gentlemanly with you eyeing me like that."

Jay lifted a brow. "That's what that was? And it was the best you've got?" He chuckled. "And here I thought you were experienced at seducing and stuff. You can just leave that to me." He puffed out his chest.

I pinched him. "I'd like to see you do any better under that." I gestured in his general direction.

"Mmm-hmm. Also, you're making it so hard to concentrate on words." Jay slowly peeled the blanket away from me and tossed it to the floor on top of my robe. His hands traveled from my bare thighs to my ankles, excruciatingly slowly, and back again. I bit my lip and fisted my hands in the covers of the bed to keep myself from pouncing onto him. 

His hands came up to circle around my waist, playing with the waistline of my panties. I snapped back to my senses. 

"It's too early in the morning. We need to sleep," I said, and promptly wiggled out of his grip and cuddled under all the blankets. 

"Wha-?" His dejected tone was muffled through the covers.

"Go to sleep, Jay."


"Aww, lovie, c'mon, you know I'm just playing with you." I poked my face out from under the covers and gave him a sly grin, leering at him. "Just turn off the light before you come to bed."

He had never moved faster. 

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