The towel

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btw this is still the same day

I stood up from my bed and walked to my closet to grab a fresh change of clothes for Blair, I handed them to her "why don't you go take a shower and put some fresh clothes on, it might make you feel a bit better" I said "ok thanks S" she stood up and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I sat back down on my bed and grabbed a book to read while I wait for her to finish.

5mins later

"Serena... Serena" Blair yelled from the bathroom "yes?" I screamed from my bed "can you grab me a towel, you don't have any spare ones in here" Blair said "oh yeah of course sorry" I yelled back as I stand up to go get a clean towel for her. I grab one out of the cupboard and walk over to the bathroom door and open it. As I open the door I see Blair standing there head to toe naked with water dripping down her gorgeous body, my body started to tingle and I get instant butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't help but stare as she was standing there "so are you gonna hand me the towel or not" Blair giggled "oh yeah u- um sorry here you go" I hand her the towel and turn around to walk out the door "wait Serena, can you stay in here with me, I don't like being alone" she said, as she said that I felt so much lust for her, it was true I was falling head over heals in love with her. "s-sure Blair" I close the door and turn back around and go sit down on the edge of the bath, I look up at her and she has a towel wrapped around her now "Serena can you pass me my bra" she asked "oh um yeah of course" I picked up her bra and handed it to her "can you help me put it on, I always have trouble doing up the back of this one, Chuck normally helps me" as she said that I got butterflies in my stomach again "s-sure" I said nervously standing up and walking over to her. She dropped her towel flashing her whole body to me again and half put her bra on then stood there waiting for me to do the rest, I grabbed onto the back of her bra doing it up feeling her warm skin against my fingers. At this moment there was so much sexual tension, was Blair falling for me too?!?!?

hope you enjoyed this chapter :))

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