Chapter 5 Standoff

Start from the beginning

Adonis: If we wanted to, we would've finished you off and taken the town already. You barely fought them off and your defenses are weak.

Y/N: Tell her we defeated both bandit groups and fought off sieges.

Adonis: My commander tells you he has defeated bandit groups and can handle sieges. We also have weapons that'll turn the tide of battle. Look around, you're going to need all the help you could get.

She stopped to realize the dire situation and lowered her head.

Pina: Very well. You may assist us in defending the city.

Adonis: I don't know how we'll defend the city. We only got 50 soldiers and that's not including the Panzer I and M8 Greyhound crews.

I took a look at the map. The main defense force is currently guarding the south gate, where we entered through. I expect them to attack there since the defenders are poorly trained and armed militias, they barely fought off the first wave and received heavy casualties. I picked up the radio for reinforcements.

Y/N: Nanjing Fortress, this is the 61st Platoon. We are in combat with bandit groups. Requesting immediate reinforcements, beware, these bandits were formerly trained soldiers.

Radio Operator: Copy that, sending reinforcements, they will arrive in 6 hours. Hold out until then.

Pina: What is that you spoke into?

Adonis: It's something we use to communicate with our army. You won't understand how it works. Reinforcements from my side will arrive in 6 hours.

Pina: How could they arrive here in mere hours?

I marked a machine gun placement for each gate.

Y/N: Ask her if there are any buildings that overlook each gate.

Adonis: There are.

Y/N: Garrison a Type 24 machine gun squad in those houses. All sides have 5 men including machine gun crews, everyone including armor stays in the center with me. Rory will stay on the rooftops and follow me.

Adonis relayed this to Pina and she seemed really angry at me.

Pina: What is wrong with you? How can 5 men on each side help? You have way more manpower to spare

I sipped some tea and inspected my M1911. I can tell she doesn't approve of my strategy.

Y/N: I know what you're saying. Either you go with my plan, or this city will fall to those treacherous bandits.

I walked out to the balcony and scouted the surrounding areas with my binoculars. Nothing except for bandit scouts just prodding for any weaknesses. Truth is, weakness is everywhere. One strike can snuff out all the defenders and all that's left is anarchy and chaos here.

That night, 2 hours before dawn

It's nighttime. There's no doubt the bandits would strike. They can move through the cover of the night and catch us off guard. A flare was fired on the south gate but other gates have no flare response. Shen ran to me out of breath.

Shen: Y/N, the bandit group is attacking the south gate. Other groups didn't spot any bandit activity. The whole bandit group is charging the southern gate. Arrows are being deflected by magic.

Y/N: Magic? Am I hearing this correctly?

Shen: Yes!

Y/N: Tell the other defenders to reinforce the south gate. Adonis, tell Pina to let them in. We'll greet them with our heavy firepower!

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