W- I will stay behind you if that reassures you, okay ?

Y/n- Okay, you too Nat, please.

She sighs and nods.

You take a deep breath and walk down the alley in front of Nat and Wanda.

A few meters further there is a person. You stop walking and you stop Wanda and Natasha.

Y/n- Wait, she is here.

You whisper

Y/n- Okay, hello ?

You speak louder so that she can hear you.

The figure is on the trash cans, once she hears you she jumps to the ground and moves forward slightly.

??- Hello there

She stops walking forward when her face is in the light. She has her beautiful blond hair with her deep blue eyes. She is no more than 3 meters from you.

Y/n- I think we should talk.

??- I think that too. You can call me Serena.

Y/n- Alright... Serena. What do you want ?

She starts to laugh.

Se- Well... I want you !

Natasha chuckles

N- Sorry honey, she's already... married to us !

Se- I don't want you lovingly ! Ew... No I want your life !

Natasha puts her arm in front of you to protect you.

N- No way, you'll have to run over my body to kill her !

Se- Are you stupid or something ?!

W- Hey ! Don't talk to us like that !

Se- Ooh the famous, the great, the magical Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch !

W- The- the what ?

Se- Ooh, so you don't know yet ? You will soon !

Suddenly Wanda screams before falling on her knees on the floor with her hand on her head. You turn to her as you crouch in front of her putting your hands on her face.

Y/n- Hey, what's happening ?!

Se- She tried to get into my head ! She may be powerful but I know more about our power than her.

Nat gets up and approaches her with an angry look as you stroke Wanda's cheek trying to get over it.

N- Try to hurt her one more time and I'll make you eat your bones !

Se- Wow, not very delicate the girl.

Y/n- Wait a second

You get up next to Wanda who's still on the ground.

Y/n- You said "our" !

Se- What do you mean ?

Y/n- I mean that you said "our power" like you have the-

W- No way !

Wanda is getting up. She has red eyes.

W- It can't be you !

Se- Well it is honey

She says with a smirk

Y/n- What are you saying ?

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