Chapter 13 - Admitting

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He sighed, "No. I'm Sorry." He started the car and we rode to school. The ride was slow and boring. He tried to ask me of things but I always answer with a limited response or not respond at all. I don't know Why but I've been feeling really down lately. I easily get mad.

Paul pulled up in front of school and I immediately stood up and walked towards school. Something is missing inside of me, I don't know What it is but something is.

"Love!" I heard Paul call. Out of my will, I turned around and found him smiling at me by the door of his car. Weird, That smile used to always make my heart melt. "Wanna have lunch together?"

Before I could even speak, someone familiar answered from behind. "No, She'll go with me." I blushed just by hearing his voice.

Haiden? Paul wore a scowl to his face. He locked his car and walked fast beside me. "What do you think you're doing?" Asked Paul as he faced Haiden.

Hayden only smiled, annoying Paul. "Do I really have to state the obvious?"

"What?" He asked getting confused

"The lady gets to choose who she wants to spend her lunch with." Haiden said smiling at me, again making me blush. Paul must've notice because he took my hand and tugged me closer to him.

"You're not his boyfriend anymore," Paul seriously pointed

Haiden chuckled, "And you think you are?"

That's a point.

"If I recall correctly, You're still trying to win her back." Hiccup pointed at me with a smile. He's smile never leaving his face. "Are you not?"


What is happening here?

"What if I am?" By now Paul was gripping my hand. It was hurting me a bit but I didn't speak.

"That means, You don't get the right to tell her What to do. She choose What she does. And right now, I'm asking her to choose... " he paused.

He took my hand and kissed it. Oh, how I missed that gesture. When he was about to let go, I held his hand firmly to my hand. He grinned and entwined our hands together.

Why didn't I let go?

Something is wrong with me.

Paul looked down, blinking. As if he was not believing What he was seeing.

"I'm going to go with Haiden."

Let's stop pretending. Let's do the things our heart wants.


As I walk to the cafeteria ignoring all the girls ugly jealous like gazes at me and the guys Flirty feisty stares or What ever they call it. I proudly and excitedly went into the cafeteria.

I hummed my favorite song Thinking out loud for some reason. I was feeling Jolly ever since this morning.

I opened the door to my happiness and weird but it was empty. The usual very loud and busy cafeteria was empty. Still feeling a bit weirded out I sat on one of the free table and waited for Haiden.

5 minutes later, no one is still entering the Cafeteria. I checked the time on my phone and it was indeed lunch time.

Suddenly, there was a group of people who entered the cafeteria and I know very much who they were.

Ruffnut, Finn, Tuffnut, Seth, and my brother Graham. There hands were behind they're back but I knew that they were hiding something behind them. They stood in a straight line.

Then, Other students who I don't know who came from the door with White, Red and Pink roses in their hands. One by one they came to my sides and handed me one.

The white rose had a letter into it .... "I know my chances are slim"

A girl then handed me Red rose....  "but.. "

Another one handed me a flower and it was the pink one...  "I want you to know..."

The last girl then handed me a bouquet of roses and a chocolate... this time the letter wasn't in the flower but was taped into the heart shaped chocolate

"I'm a dork. I hope you love dorks."

I laughed at this but it was sweet. A sweet sweet gestures.

Ruffnut then placed What was behind her back and showed a cardboard saying, WILL

Then Finn did the same, YOU

Tuffnut followed after he sneezed, GRANT

Seth smiled, THAT IDIOT

My brother winked at me, ANOTHER CHANCE ?

They pointed at someone behind me and of course being touched by the sweetness of this person. I turned around.

I saw Haiden holding up a cardboard of his own.

I'm the idiot.

He gave me a sheepish smile and all I could do was nod.

"Idiot." I mumbled before jumping into his arms. "Yes. You cheesy, Idiot!"

The end.



I'm kidding, It's not the end.

This was so cheesy. I can't believe I wrote this. Kill me now!


Accidentally in love [{Hiccstrid}]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ