DIO turned his gaze away from Pucci. Looking at the bed. DIOs body language signified that Pucci was right.

"I know this is probably the wrong time to ask this but.... How many times have you been raped before?"

"You're right that is a bad time to ask that. First you've accused me of having an STD and now you're asking about my past which you know-"

"Because I care about you!"

The frustration in both of them was coming out. They had never had a fight before and didn't know what to do. Pucci spoke again.

"I'd catch every STD in the world for you if I had to! I know that sounds super ridiculous but hear me out. I don't want to catch an STD. I don't really know much about sex so for all I know half the people in the church could have one! Probably not even know it! I don't want you to be or get sick and not treat it. I don't want to get sick either. Do you understand?!"

"I get it. I'm positive I don't have anything because I definitely would've had symptoms by now. You should really know more about sex if we're having it every other day."

They both chuckled at DIOs remark which soon afterword followed an awkward silence. The silence was broken by DIO saying.

"Maybe we should get ourselves checked just to be safe. I think we're both fine but.... If this is what's going to make you more comfortable then let's go. Also you should probably be a bit more knowledgeable about STDs."

"Yeah you're right I should. Also thank you for doing this for me. I know I sound like such a jerk but I just want both of us to be safe."

"No I get it. I'd probably do the same... I can't say my feelings aren't hurt because that are. But, I can't be mad at you or anything like that because you're right. I should get checked every once in a while."

They went to the clinic and after a thorough check through. Neither of them had any STDs. When they got out of the clinic they didn't say much to each other. Until Pucci apologized.

"I'm sorry for assuming the worst. That was really unfair of me and I didn't even search anything up about it! I understand if you're still upset at me-"

"I'm sorry for not doing this sooner. I should've taken better care of myself and I didn't even know how horrible STDs could be. I thought it'd be some irritation or bumps but the fact that some STDs can be really serious is something I wish I knew sooner. I got lucky!"

They both laughed it off and walked closer together. That was their way of both accepting their apologies. When they got back to Puccis apartment. DIO asked.

"Wanna have sex?"

Pucci laughed and said.

"Absolutely not! After that?"

DIO laughed as well. He put his coat away and sat on the couch next to Pucci.

"At least we're home."

"You practically live here but this still isn't your apartment. Take off your shoes!"

"Why don't I?"

Pucci was about to say something. However, no words came out. DIO awkwardly took off his shoes and put them aside. Puccis shocked expression was almost funny to DIO. Eventually DIO spoke.

"Why not? I mean I know we haven't been together for a long time but.... I basically live here. I haven't been to my apartment in at least two weeks. We love each other but I get it if you think we shouldn't."

"You totally ruined my plans to ask you."


"I wanted to asked you next month over dinner! I had like a whole speech and everything! Man....."

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