Chapter 26

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Pucci and DIO were sitting on the bed reading art books. They did this at least once a week. Sometimes they'd have a conversation in the middle of their book session. Now it was the time as DIO asked.



"Do you love me more than you love God?"

"I love you as I love God, for I worship you like one."

"Shut up! Oh my god!"

DIO was getting flustered and hid his face in his book. That was until Pucci took it off of his face and kissed. They both kissed each other for a short while before they realized where this was going.

"I don't have a condom here..... We can't."

Sadly stated Pucci. DIO brushed it off by saying.

"Don't worry we don't need one."

"Well..... I don't know if it's safe..."

DIO lightly pushed Pucci off of him and sat up right. DIO was now concerned and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Pucci looked away awkwardly and didn't know what to say. The uneasy expression on Puccis face made DIO slightly agitated. DIO asked.

"Are you worried you might catch something?"

"It's not that I don't think you have anything like that! I'm just...."

"Is it something religious?"

"No but... You've had a lot of partners in the past.... And I don't want to offend you in any way at all-"

"Well you did! Yeah I used to have a lot of sex with other people but that was probably a year before I even met you! I don't sleep around anymore. Do you think that.... I still do that?"

As DIO said that he got up from the bed and started breathing heavily. Pucci got up from the bed as well and tried to explain himself.

"No of course not! I just...want to be safe. You haven't even seen a doctor in ten years! I don't know if maybe you could have an STD. I'm not at all saying you do but! Ok I know I sound like a jerk but I'm just saying-"

"Please shut up. You know why I hate hospitals and I'm not going to get an STD test. I don't have any symptoms of any kind and you realize this is kind of rude to ask."

"How am I being rude? I'm just asking because I don't want either one of us to have doubts about these kinds of things. We've had sex before only with a condom for a reason!"

"I know you're right but that still hurt my feelings!"

Pucci walked towards DIO, now standing in front of him, and began apologizing.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I shouldn't have been such a jerk about it and...... I understand why you're angry. But, please try to understand my point of view too honey. Please?"

DIOs expression softened and he breathed out heavily through his nose before saying.

"I'm not angry at you just..... I really hate thinking about my past and the fact that my past is now bothering you is.... Not exactly the best feeling."

"Your past doesn't bother me. From what you've told me, you used to sleep around with a lot of people. You told me most of them were people you don't even remember the names of. For all I know you could've done it unprotected and caught something."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I always used protection. The only time I didn't use protection is with Johnathon and..... And that's it! Nobody else!"

"I'm not saying I don't trust you but sometimes condoms break. Also..... Remember how we first met. I'm guessing that probably wasn't the first time that happened....."

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