Day 5: It's a win for all

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Vedika was standing on the threshold of  Goenka Villa. Nobody was insight. She went inside worried about the family's reaction. That's when Manish and Dadi entered the living room. Both were extremely happy to see her back.

"Vedika! Thank God you are okay... why did you leave so suddenly. I am so disappointed in you. We all were so worried!" Dadi spoke moving towards Vedika.

"Beta, we are glad you are back. Maa you can talk to her later. She must be tired from all the travelling. You go rest!" Manish said relieved to have her back.

"Nahi papa, there is no time for rest, I need to tell you something very important. In fact to everyone. Please call them down." Her tone gave away the nervousness she held within.

"Vedika, baate baad mein kar lena, you have enough time. Manish is right you need rest!"

"Dadi, time hi toh nahi hai. I need to clear somethings right now. This is for everyone's happiness. And where is Kartik? It's very important that he is present here too!".

"Vedika, you are back!" Swarna and Gayu moved forward to greet her. Vedika could sense the concealed worry in Swarna's eyes.

"Swarna, She wants to talk about something important, call everyone down!" Dadi spoke worried.

Swarna looked at Dadi and nodded her head left to bring the remaining members in the hall.

Kartik was in his room, lost in his daydreams. After last night, all he could think about was her reply. No matter where life was headed now, he was certain that there was still some  love for him in her heart. He could now happily live with the comfort of that thought for the rest of his life. Today was the last day of their deal and he had to start with its execution soon. He switched on his laptop and started with his plan, that's when he heard a knock on the door. Sighing he kept his laptop aside and opened the door. Swarna looked at him with nervousness , "Vedika is back. She is waiting down for you, she said she needs to talk about something important, come down soon!"

Kartik was surprised, first she left without informing anyone and now  she was back so soon. He followed Swarna, unable to process her actions.

Vedika looked at Kartik who was descending the stairs. He didn't greet her with a smile, rather blankly stared at her. 'I wasn't here for four whole days and he didn't even show an ounce of happiness on my return', she thought sadly.
Kartik stood next to Swarna and Vedika moved forward to stand right in front of him.
"Before I reveal the reason I called all the family members down I need to tell you something Kartik." She spoke with hesitancy.
Kartik nodded. "I went away not because I had some important work in Sydney, but because I heard you telling Maa that you are planning to divorce me!"
Kartik was shocked by this revelation. He knew that this decision would hurt her a lot and so he personally wanted to tell her this. Her sudden decision to leave made sense to him now.
Not getting any reply from him she continued, " I didn't want that to happen and I also knew that you were only thinking about Naira and not me. I was so enraged and made a decision in haste, but I am not sorry for this decision of mine. In fact I'm glad I took this step."

"I wasn't only thinking about Naira. This decision is right for you too! I can never love you the way you want and you know it already.!" Kartik said, his face still void of any emotion.

Vedika nodded acknowledging his words, which surprised Kartik. "I know you can't. I was being so naive and stubborn about my dreams and future with you but in all reality it was just me protecting myself from the truth of the situation. I forgot that our marriage was a compromise from your side, you were clear from day one that you had nothing more than friendship to offer. And instead of being a good friend to you as I agreed, I was expecting from you to love me back just the way I did. But by going away I realised that you can't make a person fall in love with you. No matter how hard you try, it's only them that can do that for you. And you already love Naira. Her absence didn't stop you from loving her, and here I was hoping that you'd fall in love with me in her presence. " she chuckled sadly, "How stupid of me!"
"Vedika I can't he.." But he was interrupted by her again,"It's okay Kartik! I understand whatever circumstances we are in today, it is nobody's fault, I think it was all destined to be. For if I hadn't gone back to my hometown I wouldn't ever realise where I truly belonged. " She took a deep breath and turned towards the family members, " the thing I want to tell you all is... I have decided to settle in Sydney." Dadi gasped at that, "Vedika are you in your senses? How can you think of settling there? And what about this family? You plan to take away our kittu from us? Nobody's going anywhere, and that's an order." Dadi tried to speak with authority but it sounded more like a plea to Vedika.
"Vedika, I don't know what you are thinking, and trust me I understand that with Naira and Kairav back you  feel insecure but settling somewhere so far away, without your family, that's not a right decision. And as Maa said you can't take away Kartik from us." Manish tried reasoning with her.

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