Second Chance... and Second Last

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For those who don't know me, and don't know what happened last cycle, I recommend going back and reading my other book on Ovulation Induction with Ovidrel... It explains a lot. But if you've already read it, then here's where I'm at now.

Next year I'm getting married. And I don't want to be pregnant in a wedding dress. So we have a ticking clock, and this is our second cycle with ovulation induction, our second chance to get pregnant, but it is also our second last. Because after this, we had one more cycle to conceive, before we stop, and we give up, and I cry for a very long time because my son doesn't have the sibling I always wanted to give him. After this month is up, it would have been a year trying.

I started the cycle hectically pulling together $350 to pay for my ovulation induction, because I couldn't let it just pass me by. We are struggling extra currently, but I didn't want to waste my limited chances... if I didn't pay for OI this time around, there's a good chance I wouldn't ovulate again for months, and I wouldn't even have this chance, let alone another next month if this doesn't go well.

I need medical help ovulating, especially if I'm to ovulate on time. So, I forked out the cash for another round of ovulation induction through Fertility North...

Then my partner's car broke down. And Covid hit. And we both got sent home from otherwise essential work for 'covid testing'. And then the dog needed a trip to the vet. Fuel prices skyrocketed. Life happened. Now we are broke.

And of course, I was just trying to make it to pay day, and I didn't make it in time.

I am about to ovulation, and I need to trigger (use Ovidrel 250) for both ensuring ovulation, ensuring some pesky little 9-10mm follicles don't get a chance to grow as big as the dominant 22mm follicle (in which case I'd go from potentially having a little baby, to having potentially six little babies... you have to love the effects of PCOS!), and also to increase my progesterone levels ready for if I do manage to get a little baby formed inside of me.

Ovidrel is $95 a pen, and I need two... Very quickly my second attempt and my second last attempt are becoming one failed attempt.

I don't know what to do.

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