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After the trio got their school books, clothes etc they went to get pets for the three 11 year olds, "Hagrid um animals don't like me." Alex whispered to the giant who just laughed, "These are magical pets, they like anyone." He said when he stopped laughing as Alex didn't look any more confident at the thought of going near any animals.

Walking into the pet shop the trio went round looking at all the different pets, Harry found an snow white barn owl, Vlad a black and white kitten with red eyes which he learnt that this kitten will protect him for the rest of its life and warn off evil and Alex a newborn who didn't look older than about a day or two snow white kitten, who he didn't feel a heart beat and was ice cold, "Um Sir-" Alex hummed pausing, "I think this kitten is dead." He finished as the group he came in and the shop keeper run over, "Ah, young man, that is a ghost kitten, they are extremely rare, it means they where born dead, but what makes them rare is that they come back as ghosts for certain people, their is only one other in existence." The shop keeper explained as Alex hugged the young kitten.

As the trio payed for everything, well Harry did, Vlad and Alex weren't charged for their pets only accessories, which was toys, beds and food, not that Alex's pet needed food because it was dead, they left to go book a hotel room in the Leaky Cauldron, each getting their own rooms, Alex had teleported both himself and Vlad back to their houses to collect their clothes and then teleported them back and now the pair met Harry down in the dinning hall to get something to eat, "What would you three like?" The waiter came over, "I'll have the special." all three of them said at the same time as the waiter chuckled and put down their orders on their notepad, "I'll be right back." They said as they left leaving the three boys alone.

Once the waiter came back with their foods, the three boys started to eat, well Vlad and Harry started to eat, Alex just played with his because as he was a ghost he didn't need to it just like his ghost kitten, "Alex eat up or I will eat it." Harry joked as Alex passed his plate over to the surprise of Harry who happily took it as Vlad and Alex shared a knowing look, they needed to protect Harry at all costs no matter what house they where placed in at Hogwarts. 

After the three of them had finished their dinners, well two of them, they headed up to their rooms for the night.

September 1st came as fast as an eye blink, Vlad and Brett became very close to each other as they where both supernatural creatures, as well as both of them will have private tutors in Hogwarts for some reason, and now the trio found themselves on the train going to Hogwarts, "Hi can I sit here everywhere else is full?" A red head ask as the three of them nodded and he took a seat next to Alex, who looked bored and his hair was Bright Green which made the red head boy wonder if it was normal.

"Anything from the trolly?" An elderly woman said opening the compartment door as Vlad and Brett went to buy something, Harry perked in, "We'll have the lot" He payed the lady as she piled the sweets into the compartment and then left as the boys started eating the sweets.

A while after a girl came into the compartment asking if they had seen a toad, "I'm Hermione Granger and lot are?", "Ron Weasley." The red head said after Hermione introduced herself, "I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Harry was next earning shocked looks from Hermione and Ron, then went Brett, "I'm Alex Juice." and finally it was Vlad, "I'm Vlad Dracula." "As in Count Dracula?" Ron asked shocked as Vlad nodded and looked down as Ron started to shout, "Your a monster!" Brett's haired started to turn dark red which Vlad noticed and quickly told everyone to leave the compartment but Ron was to busy talking about Vlad to even hear, as the others left the comparment, Vlad ordered Hermione and Harry to get a professor and that he and Alex (When he was calm would explain to them whats happening." Soon a mean looking long black haired man appeared and muttered something under his breath, by now Ron knew how much trouble he was in and tried to leave the compartment but Alex had locked it with his ghost/demon powers and had conjured a knife and was about to stab Ron when suddenly he was covered in freezing cold water which made him come to his senses to a degree his hair had turn from dark red to just red which just showed he was annoyed, he unlocked the compartment door and Ron had run out as the Professor told everyone to leave until it was the Professor, Alex, Harry, Vlad and Hermione, left in and out of the compartment, "Mr Juice, you are lucky we do not summon your father here." The Professor said as he left, "You two explain now." Hermione demanded as Harry nodded in agreement.

"So have you heard of Beetlejuice?" Alex asked, "Of course he is the most troublesome and most powerful ghost there is." Hermione explained, "Well I'm his son, making me a ghost/demon but I have all the good and none of the negatives of being a ghost." Alex explained as Harry and Hermione nodded and Hermione's only responce was "Vlad we should get your surname changed when we get to Hogwarts so things like this don't happen again." They all smiled apart from Alex who was still calming down and drying himself off of from the water the professor had put on him using magic.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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