Meeting Again

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Meeting Again


"Hey!! Wait up!!" I called out to her.

She just wont budge. Its been three days, three effing days, I have been trying to ask her out but she never replies. Never. 

She narrows her eyes at me, anger written all over her face & her brows line up in a furrow. She looks at me like this for few seconds, huffs, and walks away.

Every. Single. Time.

Like hey man, what wrong did I do? 

Today I had come empty handed. First day I had brought her a flower. The second day I had brought a flower and a box of chocolates for her. Both times, same reaction.
But, that's what girls liked right? I was in deep confusion. Damn.

I ran and caught up to her.

''What do you want?" Nicole said stopping abruptly and turning around.

She was fuming now, one hand on her hip and eyes glaring at me with such intensity i might burn. Wow, was she angry. She looks so hot when she's angry.

''I...I am sorry'', I stuttered.

She took a deep breath and said, "What do you want Cedric?"


Wait, did i say that out loud? What the hell am I doing? 

'Digging your own grave' , my subconscious remarked. 

Shit. Brain, dude, work. WORK.

"Whaaaat???", she was pissed. Way to go Cedric, way to go!

I scratched the back of my head, "Umm.. Sorry... Shit.. That came out all wrong... What I meant is, would you go out with me? I mean not out as out on a date or something, just maybe, would you... Would you like to, u know, hangout?"

There, I said it. Will she slap me now? I hope not. I was beyond terrified.
Then she did the most unexpected thing. 

She smiled. A full beaming smile. Wow. Her next words almost knocked me off balance.

"Instead of flowers and chocolates, you should have asked this straight before. Would have saved you two days of distress", she winked. 

Man, wasn't she cute?

"What do you mean"? I asked, intrigued.

"What I mean is, I am not a material person, and yes, I'll hangout with you", shesaid hangout with her fingers making quotation marks.

We both laughed at that.

"6pm, tomorrow?" She asked.

"Il pick you up" I replied.

We stood there awkwardly for sometime.
After few moments she said, "I have class now, see you later?"

"Yeah, sure, see you later", I smiled at her before walking away after she left.

I finally asked her out, and I felt ecstatic.
Tomorrow, Tomorrow will be good.



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