general molinas son or daughter?

Start from the beginning

My eyes widen. "Uh um yeah. Yeah? Yeah, that's me. I mean I was little when he was around. Oh um, and thank you" I nod, scratching the dry skin on the back of my neck.

"How's your mother? Your sister?"

I freeze up. "Commander, please step back. This is my interrogation" The person in charge, Ansel I guess, says.

The Commander nods, rolling his eyes before walking out. "So Mr. Molina, what's your angle here?"

I can't help but laugh, do these idiots seriously think I'm Carlos?

"I just need somewhere to work. That's all. I'm a legacy kid arent I? Don't I get a chance?"

My hands are in restraints attached to the metal table which seems to be bolted to the ground. I honestly have no clue how they haven't figured it out.

I mean one word... boobs

He gives me a strange look. "How old are you kid?"

"I'm sixteen, turning seventeen in December. I'm in prime health, have nothing to lose and I'm committed. I can defend myself and have tough skin. I'm not gonna get on my knees and beg but I'm asking politely. I just need a job" My words somewhat laughed as I lean back.

Ansel gives me another look. "You're cocky aren't ya son?"

I nod "I got what it takes. Give me a shot and I won't let you down"

I keep eye contact with this man, my eyebrow cocked and my lip slightly bit down on. I lean forward with my elbows rested on the table. "So? besides, if I suck you can always send me home"

"A minute Mr.Molina" He gets up and waves a couple of men from behind me to follow out into the room we came in through.

I lean back, listening to the muffled men talking outside.

"I like this kid,"
"How can we trust him?"
"He's a Molina"
"So? He could want some revenge"
"Everyone shut up"

They all go quiet once more. Their words finally become inaudible so I couldn't tell you what they were saying.

I'm scared, to say the least.


Carrie takes the place of where Morgan was previously sitting. "So any idea why they're tossing us into a room together?" She asks.

I roll my eyes. "Well, there are one of two things. Either it's because of that person outside or because they think this will help us fall in love" I scoff.

Carrie leans back, tucking her knees to her chest with a small pout. I sit up and lean forward. "Hey, you ok?"

She scoffs and heavily rolls her eyes. "Yes, I am fine, jackass. Just leave me alone. Ok? The agreement is to get married, become king and queen, have an heir or two, then die. We don't need to love each other, we just need to tolerate each other enough"

I run my hands over my face with a huff. It's been around 12 hours of knowing I'll need to marry her and I'm already fed up with her.

"Caroline let's just get one thing straight, both of us would rather marry anybody else. So we just gotta take matters into our own hands, refuse to wed or something"

Carrie just starts laughing. "Oh yeah, just tell some of the most powerful kings in Europe that their children refuse to get married. Great plan Lucas, give yourself a pat on the back while you're at it huh?"

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