

Syvlia is dead more like I wish Sylvia was dead.

lmao she really thought😪

omg no way they are dating- this is the worst day ever😭😭😭


"Well, um- You see, he literally like uh-" Kacey looked for an excuse.

"This is about the stans, isn't it. It was never about his sexuality," Sylvia sighed, "I know you were in a bit of controversy, and some of his toxic stans got mad at you, but don't fucking flip it on him. He can't control every single fan of his. That's not his job. He has SEVERAL TIMES denounced all the hate. He can't physically stop the toxic fans. I think you should worry about yourself first. Your fans are just as bad."

Kacey crossed her arms, "I want him to denounce all the hate on me."

Sylvia shook her head in disbelief, "Miss thing, this is the internet. That isn't going to do a damn thing. Clay doesn't throw a hissy fit every time he gets a death threat from your fans. And I want you to know I do not allow my fans to be assholes. If they are, I don't consider them a part of my fandom. I literally told off someone for telling you to die. But of course, I don't get a thanks for that because you don't wanna focus on the good. You want drama because you are an attention seeker."

Kacey was quiet for a bit. 

"I can't believe you are calling me an attention seeker when I literally got doxxed and have received death threats." She finally spoke.

"I think everyone that is famous has gotten death threats. Doxxing is different, but he and I don't endorse it. What the fuck do you want? Because if you are going to make this a big deal, then I will make all of my death threats and doxes a big deal." Sylvia said while stuffing chips in her mouth.

"I think- What the hell are you doing. Are you seriously eating right now?"

"I'm hungry." The Taurus leaned back in her seat. 

Kacey snapped, "Really?! You can't take this seriously."

"I am, but I will let you know I think you are completely in the wrong here."

"Whatever, anyway, I think that what you are saying is irrelevant. We cope differently. I would like to stop this hate."

Sylvia bursted out laughing, "Oh, okay. Okay. Sure, sure. You cope with attention and blaming others after YOU got canceled. Mhm makes sense. And what I said wasn't irrelevant. You literally brought Clay into this when you should be the one apologizing for what you did. Also, I hope you know you aren't going to change the internet. It will always be cruel and mean. If you've been on it so long, you should know that and not fucking blame Clay for all of your hate."

ayo facts doe-💯

Sylvia is so insensitive. Kacey is just trying to stop hate.🥺💕

i hate both of them


literally tho- the internet is not a cuddly place😕

Okay so I love kacey but Sylvia kinda spitting facts



I'm kinda on Sylvia's side now...

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