He was broken, a shell of the man that he may have been... and it was all her fault. His hands move upwards and he puts the strap back on her shoulders before tying the hospital gown's string. Once he sits back, she grips his hair and pulls him closer but not enough to kiss him. He presses their noses and awaits her actions.

"I'm sorry... for everything." She says breathlessly.
"Me too... for everything." He chuckles in nervous relief.
She moans quietly and he locks their pinky's. She watches curiously as he stares into the deep green orbs that he had come to love. She looks at him and her lips curve upwards as he smiles.
"Guess what?" He asks, chuckling. the 'McDreamy' smile flashing on his face while the corner of his eyes crinkle.
"This is the longest you've been awake."
"It is?"
"Let's get you to films, find out what's happening." He pulls away from her and gets up, forgetting that he can't walk.

He steps forward and his leg gives away. He crashes onto the floor, hitting his head against the tile.
"Derek!" She yells.
Blood pools around his head and slams her hand against the code button on the wall. Nurses come rushing in with Richard and he looks confused. She points to Derek on the ground and Richard's eyes widen.
"What happened?" He asks as the nurses lift him on a gurney.
She doesn't respond but stares as he holds a lap pad to Derek's forehead. She starts trembling and as she watches more blood dripping from his forehead. They wheel him away and she grabs his crutches. Heaving herself on them, she limps behind the team as they walk into a trauma room.
"Dr. Grey, you shouldn't be out of bed." A sharp voice states as she leans herself into a wheelchair.
"He was- and I- is he okay?" She asks frantically.
"They are trying their best."

Meredith rolls herself to the window and stares as they shock his heart. He groans loudly in the crowded room as he feels a jolt of energy run through him. Looking around, his mind recognizes no one except Richard.
"I'm fine." He says, sitting up.
The nurses push him down and he shouts again, staying down. His eyes snap open each time there is a shock and he can hear himself yelling to them that he is fine. It isn't until a few minutes later when he sees a set of mystical green irises looking through the window. Instantly, the chaos calms and the noises muddle around him. He groans as they shock again, but it doesn't hurt as much this time. Their eyes stay locked and he nods once before his breath lips curve into a smile. He gasps again, his face twisting to show a pained expression. She sees him jerking in the bed and gets up. Ignoring the nurse, she goes into the room and he reaches his hand out. She slides her fingers into his and he grips them tightly. The nurses try to pull her out but she feels dizzy and lightheaded. He nods with tears in his eyes and she laughs through her cries.

"Meredith, he has to go to surgery." Richard's voice bellows.
"Surgery?! For what?!" She shouts.
Derek gently tugs her fingers towards himself. She leans her head down as he breathes sharply. Her warmth makes him feel healthy and safe like deaths claw can't snatch him here.
"I'll be fine. This isn't your fault Mer." He whispers between heavier breaths as her golden hair flows over his face. He blinks once at Richard and the nurses pull Meredith away from him and he sees her face that is tattered with tears. She fights the nurses and he shakes his head at her. She watches him get rolled away, trying to follow him. She lets the nurses take her back to her room and she looks at the stitches on her stomach as she waits to be informed of Derek's condition. Her limbs ached from suddenly beginning to walk after so long. Breathing heavily, She prods gently and sees small trickles of blood escaping the stitches.

She whimpers softly and drops her gown as Alex walks in.
"He's fine and you can go see him. Addison has already been informed and she is done visiting him." He says gently.
She nods and smiles, waiting for him to leave. He hesitates for a moment as thinks about her before stepping inside and shutting the door. She looks confused but he sits at the edge of the bed.
"Meredith... what are you doing?" He asks.
"He was so happy... and I was too. He got excited and he tripped." She buries her face in her hands and he sighs.
"I didn't mean that. What are you doing with Mark? And Derek? I've seen the way they look at you." He breathes.
"I don't know! It's hard. Mark hasn't been calling and Derek- Derek can't stop feeling things for me." She looks deep into the hazel of his eyes and watches him smile.
"What about you?" He asks.
"I... want both of them. I love Mark but I can't feel him anymore. I used to love Derek, I used to think he was the love of my life but now I don't know." She rants as he wraps his arms around her.
"Stop it. What are you doing?" She fights him and he laughs.
"Go see Derek and take your IV."
She nods against his shoulders and let's go as he leaves the room.

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