Saved the Day

Começar do início

"Ooh! I wanna go to the Riffraff Jammy Jam!" Chase cheered as I covered my eyes from how badly he was dancing.

"Chase if you don't stop dancing I'm going to ignore you for the rest of the day." I threatened, hearing him stop dancing.

"Watch this." Leo smirked as Miss Watkins walked past us all. "Miss Watkins! Wow, that new haircut is workin'. I thought you were Angelina Jolie!" He complimented as she smiled and walked into the cafeteria, turning to all of us. "That's good enough for a C+."

I crossed my arms as I waited in line for my lunch, Adam groaning in annoyance. "Ugh! This hotdog's not even hot! And don't get me started on the fact that it's not even a dog!" As he started to use his heat vision, I whacked him in the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"No heat vision! Perry has been watching us like a hawk since the backpack search." I whispered as we all waved to Perry, who was glaring at us. Leo walked up to us as Bree cried in annoyance.

"I feel like I've been standing in lines all day! I just want pizza! Not being able to use my super speed whenever I want is killing me!" She complained as I scoffed.

"At least now you see how annoying it is for the people without super speed." I commented as she groaned.

"And You think it's hard on you? My bag of cookie bits got stuck in the vending machine. I couldn't call for Adam to shake 'em free." Leo complained as Adam sighed.

"Oh, I love shaking your cookie bits." He smiled as Chase and I gave him a concerned look. That definitely didn't come out right.

"That's it. I'm speeding to the front."  Bree said as I grabbed her.

"Don't make me zap your chip again." I threatened as she shook her head, continuing before Leo gripped onto her.

"Control yourself, woman! Do something! Shut her off!" Leo ordered as Adam, Chase and I grabbed one of her limbs while I hooked onto her legs, lifting her up and out of the cafeteria as Bree yelled for pizza. Leo scurried off to distract Perry

We carried her into the main hall. "Put me down! I want pizza!" Bree yelled before we finally let her go. Leo walked out of the cafeteria, dragging me over to the vending machine.

"Perry kept asking me about your parents. You have to tell her the truth or-"

"Vanessa, Leo look out!" Chase yelled as I looked up in time to see the air conditioner fall. I shoved Leo out of the way as I dropped to the ground, my force field appearing as I heard it clang, opening my eyes to see it Adam setting it down. I released the force field as Chase ran over to help me up.

"Are you okay?!" He asked, searching my body for any injuries as I nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I reassured as I turned to look at Leo, who was on the floor giggling

"I'm walking towards the light! It's so peaceful!" He yelled and flailed his arms as I rolled my eyes, helping him up.

"HEY!" We all froze in horror and slowly turned to see Perry. "What did you do to my school?!"

"We're fine, thanks for asking." Chase scoffed.

"It's not our fault. The air conditioner fell from the hole in the ceiling." Adam explained as Perry looked up at the ceiling then at the air conditioner.

Infatuation (Chase Davenport)✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora