Reader x Peter parker x Dad Tony(MarvelGreysAnatomy crossover)

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(For story purposes Tony had a child but their name wasn't Morgan) Warning! You follow Norse/Greek religion, if this kind of thing bothers you skip it, if not continue/Angst. Also Y/F/I is your first initial 

         Tony walked out of the court hearing, trying to ignore all the slanderous comments about him. As he's getting into his car he makes eye contact with a small child in a homemade Iron Man costume. He smiled widely and walked up to them and picked them up, putting them on his side of the rope to separate them from the clobbering adults at least ten times their size. "What's your name sweetie?" "I'm Y/N, and, uh-" They trails for a second before they whines and lifts their sleeve, "Oh! I'm five years old," They hold up a chubby baby hand to show five fingers, "And I'm an orphanan." "WOW! That's cool! Can I ask you why you have it written on your arm?" They looks at their arm again, "I suffer from short turn mememory loss." He frowns, "Betause of my sanser?" "Sanser? Can I see your arm?" They nods and shows their little arm, covered in notes, one said, 'Because of my cancer on my brain stem and Melanoma'. "That says cancer, not sanser." "Oh, did I forget again?" "Oh, no! No sweetie, you're fine, you're perfect!" "I'm supposed to tell you that I'm up por adoption betause you are the famous. But I can memeber what I wanted to say, I love Iron Man! I fink hims is so cool! Pew! Pew!" Tony smiled, "Thank you! I think you're really cool." They gasped and put their hands on their cheeks and giggled, melting the billionaire's heart. "Did anyone come here with you?" "My fwend from da orpanage. Her names is Bwella, her mommy is tha orphanage lady."

Tony looked up to see an older teenager smiling at the pair. Tony snapped at a bouncer and asked him to bring the girl over, "Hey Bella, would you like a ride home?" "Yes! Thank you Mr. Stark, thank you!" "It's no issue, go on, get in the limo." He picked up the small girl/boy/child and walked them to the limo. He opened the door and let Bella get in first before he got in with the small child in his hands. Pepper looked at the trio confused, "Can I ask why you now have two kids?" "I'm taking them home, they walked five miles to show off little Y/N's Iron Man costume, the least we can do is give them a ride home." "Okay, I'll tell the driver, you don't happen to know the address do you?" "Just tell him to go to The Grace Field House, it has its own street and everything." "Okay." Pepper passed on the information and continued to work on her paperwork, secretly watching Tony play with the small girl/boy/child who was 'braiding' his short hair. Despite her original thought that he would be rude to the kid, he was smiling and laughing as they knotted the dark curls. As they turned on the street a sad silence filled the car, a young woman was waiting outside, almost as if she knew to expect them.

Tony opened his door and stepped out first, "There you kids are! Mr. Stark, how can I ever thank you enough for seeing the kids home. I hope they weren't too much trouble." "Not at all." "Isabella Field, what made you think it was a good idea to take a five-year-old on a ten mile round walk? If you had just waited until the next conference, Mr. G was going to take you two." "I just wanted to make sure he saw them, he's exactly what they needs! The needs money for treatments, he has money to spare, and look! He loves them already!" "Mr. Stark, I am so sorry!" "It's fine Mrs. Field, do you have time for a chat, actually?" "Um, y-yes. Yes, let me take you to my office." Pepper followed close behind, "Tony, what are you doing?" "Let's go Pepper, we have a little girl/Boy/one to adopt." Pepper's heels clacked as they entered the large building,

"Tony, do you understand how much it takes to take care of a healthy child! This isn't some stupid investment you can just throw away afterward, this is commitment!" "I'm great at commitment!" "In what universe Tony!"

Tony looked at her with mock insult, "I am perfectly capable of doing this, with you as the other parent." She stared in disbelief as they came to a lavish looking office,

"You can take a seat, I'll fish out Y/N's file, I'm assuming that's what you want?" "Yes, please." "You have been made aware of their," she took a breath, "condition?" "Yes, melanoma, cancer on her brain stem. What stage is it?" "The doctors we took them too, not really good ones, say they've been staying at stage three but their reaching stage four and past is inevitable. They give them until ten. It can be held at bay with an aggressive form of chemo that we can't afford." Pepper looked around, "If you don't mind me saying, it doesn't look like money is an issue for you." "You're right, I have a nice cushy amount, but I also house 100 kids that are always growing and need to eat three times a day, between all the kids I just don't have enough money." "Well, hopefully we're taking them off your hands." "Wait, really!?" "Yes, we want to adopt them and give you a generous donation of a million dollars." "Mr. Stark we couldn't possibly-" "Nonsense, Pepper will write the check while you and I go pack Y/N's things. If that's alright with you." "That's just fine! I'll take you to their room."

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