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Two years. Two years of being by each other's side and now, it was all crashing down.

Before Ben Chilwell, April Deaton wasn't sure that she'd ever find true love. Sure, she had read about it multiple times and even watched the best love stories in film with Rose and Jack from Titanic springing to mind. But wasn't it just fictional? It had to be fictional, the same way that unicorns and angels were.

April had never witnessed true love in her day to day life. Not in the romantic sense at least. Her parents got divorced when she was just four years old, leaving herself and her siblings in the hands of their father. Working long hours to provide for their family, he had never been one to show affection, mostly because he was almost never home.

The blonde had watched her sister's boyfriend cheat on her several times and her brother's girlfriend guilt tripped him into buying her expensive gifts all the time. It was almost as if true love was an idealistic concept that most people longed for, therefore projecting it onto their lives. There was absolutely no way that it existed.

At least, that's what April had thought until she met Ben Chilwell.

The moment that her hazel eyes caught sight of him, she found it to be near impossible to deny how handsome he truly was. It was like a cliché from the books that she had read but she couldn't help it. His chocolate brown hair was fluffy and messy, his stubble contrasting in the way that it had been shaped. His jaw was sharp and his build tall and muscular. If there was ever a man that April had seen in her dreams, it was the one in front of her.

The next two years were some of the best of her life. He showered her with love at every given opportunity. Sometimes it was giving her a peck every chance he got. Sometimes it was simply saying those three special words. Sometimes it was taking her out and treating her to a nice meal. Other times it was watching movies in bed with her when she was ill or it was that time of the month.

No man had ever treated her so well and yet, she still found herself wanting to run from him whenever she was given the opportunity.

When he first said those three words to her, she excused herself from the dinner table and it almost took her two weeks to say it back. April had known for weeks prior to the event how she really felt about Ben but when things started to get real and she knew that she would have to commit, she became hesitant and almost bailed.

When Ben asked her to move in with him, she choked on her water, streams of it coming out of her nose. It wasn't as if it was a huge deal, especially considering the fact that she had been crashing at his house almost every night for the three months prior to him asking.

Even now, two years on, April was finding it hard to truly commit to the relationship. She wanted to be with Ben one hundred percent but she always had one foot out the door and Ben had noticed.

"Do you really want this, April?" He questioned, his hazel eyes boring into hers that were of a similar colour.

Her skin was paler than his slightly tanned skin. It was the result of all of the hours that he spent outside playing football and training for match days.

"Because I really need to know. Is this worth fighting for or are we just wasting our time here?" His words were harsh and his tone rather abrasive but April thanked him for not beating around the bush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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