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The Hotchner Legacy.

The one thing he was born to do: Run the business. He only did it for his father, knowing that this is his whole life. Truthfully, Aaron didn't give a single fuck about it. He didn't want to become his father, he just wanted to stay wealthy.

Aaron's known for having his way with everything. His Father forced him to be a part of the deal this time. The meeting was held at a remote beach location in Athens, Greece.

They were to take two cars, one for security and one for Aaron and his Father. One held two bodyguards in the front and Rossi, the Informant, in the back. The second car only held one bodyguard in the front. Aaron and his Father held in the back.

As the meeting was held up on the roof of the abandoned tower, Aaron stepped farthest away. He let his Father do the work, but still listened in on the deal. "We have many young girls, some hardly even thirteen." Aaron hears the offer, and he turns his head.

The three bodyguards spread apart to keep watch of Aaron, his Father, and Rossi. His Father spoke to the other end's dealer, while Rossi was his support.

"We don't mess with that kind of business." His Father states, demandingly.

The two Italian men on the other side of the table were quick to apologize for the inconvenience of his time. "We're sorry, Sir. We will make sure you get a large portion of the deal. Consider it over." One of them says, trying to make amends. Aaron scoffs at their stupidity.

Aaron stood along the edge of the rooftop, looking through a pair of binoculars. This deal was petty money, just a matter of tying loose ends. It's as simple as that, nothing else was needed.

Peeping through the binoculars, Aaron laid eyes on the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. She had stunning hazel eyes, mid length chestnut brown wavy hair, and a bright smile.

He only saw her for a matter of seconds before his Father caught his attention. The deal had been set into motion, letting Rossi to take over the business dealings. They didn't make deals involving sex trafficking, that's not their business.

"Aaron, you know someday you're going to have to grow up. What are you staring at?" His Father says, softly placing his hand on Aaron's shoulder.

Aaron handed him the binoculars to let him see. It took a second for his Father to see what he was staring at. "Son, you need to be careful. Gorgeous women are hell for the soul." He states.

Aaron lets out a small laugh at his Father. He's heard that his whole life, yet somehow his Mother was the one exception to his Father. "One day, you're going to take this all over. You will be the boss. You won't have time to fuck around with women." His Father states, patting Aaron on the shoulder.

Before Aaron could say a word, a bullet shot through His Father's heart and into his abdomen. All he saw was the blood splatter on to him as his Father looked and saw the wound. Aaron tried to hold his Father up, even though he was wounded himself.

They both fell onto the ground, Aaron gasping for air. He turns his head to face his Father, seeing Rossi rush to his side. The bodyguards drew their guns, trying to spot where the shot came from.

Aaron knew this was it, his Father died before his eyes. Struggling to stay conscious he saw Morgan, his bodyguard, above him. Smacking his face lightly, trying to help him stay awake. He was ready to give up, the pain was unbearable. He was fighting every urge to let go. The Legacy needs you.

As his mind slipped into unconsciousness from the trauma, his mind wandered back onto the woman he saw along the water. He took in every feature; her eyes, her hair, her smile. All he knew was that he needed to find this woman, as his eyes finally shut.

His time is up, He's the Boss now...

Legacy / Aaron Hotchner AUWhere stories live. Discover now