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Romana carefully slid into the library. She checked to see if the Doctor was near. She could not possible let the Doctor know what she was going to say. His hearts might just collapse on the spot. Despite what she wanted him to believe, she did care about him enough not to wish him death. Especially on a Monday. Not even a Dalek would wish death on a Monday.
"K9", she whispered.
"Mistress", the metal mutt bleeped out.
K9 sighed on the inside. He had just gotten done with all Smash Bros games ever released .
"Shush", Romana spoke in a way that would make all librarians proud.
"K9, as you know I have been reading up on Christmas and I have drawn a conclusion.."
"And I..."
Suddenly, a yelp came from above them. On the balcony, a certain ease dropping time lord was finding that gravity disliked him. Probably, because he threw apples at Isaac. He carefully tangled himself up so he would look like an idiot.
"Don't mind me, Romana,go on"
Romana sighed;she had to get this out. "DoctorIdontcareforChristmas"
She said this with such speed and ambiguity that it would take three centuries of humans to finally comprehend what she said. Unfortunately for her, the computer next to her was not a human.
"Master, mistress said,'I don't care for Christmas".
Then, the Doctor fell. Really hard. Of course, this would not be the last time the Doctor fell. In fact, this incarnation of the Doctor would end up losing his grip on a ladder. The Doctor would describe this fall as being harder.
"Romana, are you okay? Do you have a case of the Galfrirn Pox? I mean you have to. It's the only way to explain such a statement as YOU DONT LIKE CHRISTMAS. "
"Doctor, your being childish.", Romana said smugly.
"Putting that aside, I want to know why you dislike Christmas?"the Doctor asked.
"Well, doesn't..itdoesntsoundfun", Romana said at a speed that would cause the whole human race to give up and go back to watching tv because it was so uncomprehendable.
"Master, Mistress said it doesn't sound fun", K9 translated.
Romana gave K9 a look that would have caused even the Sontarans to run and hide from fear.
Unfortunately, a smug computer shaped like a dog was immune to the powers of persuasion.
The Doctor blinked. Romana looked at him. A time lord has been known to solve a Hydroaquatric equation, invent a new type of plant, and calculate the exact weight of a planet in a a blink. Romana had no idea what the Doctor would do.
"Romana, I respect your opinion and we not go and throw a fit on you."
This news was of course the second most shocking speech every performed by a sentient creature . The first was of course was The Master saying he did not have an overly complex plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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