What a Difference a Day Makes

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"So, what's the verdict?" Shanice gazed up hopefully at Dante as they stood on the rooftop lounge of the Mexican American restaurant they dined at. Below them sat the busy streets of the city.

"Well...," He stalled, jokingly causing Shanice to laugh. "You have great taste Tesoro."

"I know." She smirked at him. "I can't believe I've never been up here before the number of times I've come here. I mean, look at this. The view is amazing."

"It is, but it's even more amazing from where I'm standing." He spoke gently into her ear. Shanice's checks grew warm, not being able to contain her smile.

"You're just saying that." She replied, turning her face away quickly becoming shy.

"I don't say things I don't mean." He replied, placing his hand under her chin, bringing her face to meet his. "You're beautiful." His words made her weak, and if it wasn't for his arm wrapped around her waist, she felt her knees would've given out. The tension between them continued to grow as his eyes stared deep into her. Their faces inched closer and closer to each other until she could feel his breath sync with hers. Finally closing the gap, he placed his lips delicately on to her. Their lips moved rhythmically with each other.

Shanice took a step back, removing herself before things could escalate further.

"Dante." She breathed out heavily as she tried to calm herself down.

"Si tesoro?" He grinned at her, yearning for another taste of her lips. She turned away towards the view of the street, unable to hold his stare. Her once smitten expression slowly morphed into one of nervousness and disbelief. Dante was quick to notice the change in her behavior. "Shanice, what's wrong?"
When he was met with no response, he followed her gaze. Anger began to boil up inside of him, and he reacted immediately. Standing across the street staring up at him was the man he would dedicate his whole life to bringing down. The man who had now just given him the green light to wage war on his whole family. Nick Varashano. One-half of the infamous Varashano brothers.

"Get away from the balcony Shanice now!" Dante commanded in a dangerously calm voice pulling her back. Not processing what was happening, she stumbled back at the force of Dante pulling her waist."You've seen this man before?" He questioned her, pulling out his own phone.

"Yes." That was all she could mutter out. Her brain was racing with questions she couldn't begin to process.

"Where are you? Bring the car around now! Lock down all the estates and warehouses immediately. I need increased security all over of the businesses." Dante barked orders into the phone.

"You know that man? How do you know him?" She asked to begin to put the pieces together.

"Let's go stay behind me." He ordered, ignoring her questions.

"I'm craving wing stop." Shanice thought to herself as she laid in her living room watching crime documentaries. With all the craziness of the dinner party at Dante's earlier that night. She realized she hadn't even had a minute to eat. Luckily the wing stop near her was open late, so she decided to make the trip. Locking up her apartment, she made her way down to the garage and into her car.

The drive to the restaurant was not that far, and she had placed her order ahead of time so she wouldn't have a long wait. After the short 10 minutes drive, she pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.

"Hi," she greeted the worker as she entered the restaurant.

"Hi, ma'am. How can I help you? The young girl who couldn't be more than 18 years old greeted.

"I 'm here to pick up an order for Shanice." She replied.

"Yes, give me five minutes. It ''s almost ready."

"Alright, thanks." Looking around, Shanice noticed the dollar store next door was still open and immediately thought about the sour crawlers she had been craving. "I'll be right back." She motioned to the cashier, who responded with a nod. Exiting the store, she walked directly next door to where the store was. Just as she was about to open the door, she spotted a large SUV in the parking lot a few spots away from hers. The lights of the car flashed on and brightly illuminating the parking lot. Because of how bright the light was, she was able to  out two figures through the front window. What stood out more than anything was the man in the passenger seat. She couldn't make out his face but those eyes pierced through her soul and not in and not in a good way. Then it struck her. She knew exactly where those eyes were from. She remembered seeing that same man grinning at her the same evil way a couple of days ago while shopping with Nina. Creeped out, she turned in her heels and went back into the wing stop.

"Here you go." The nice cashier offered her. Grabbing the food, she turned rushed out of the store and into her car speeding off back towards her home.

"Where are we going?" Shanice called out to him as they descended the restaurant stairs as inconspicuously as possible not to arouse concern with the other guest. She was met with no answer, and he continued to lead her out of the restaurant but not the way they came in. He was leading her out through the back. "Why are we going this way? What is going on?" She repeated. He continued to lead her out, still not answering her questions. Shanice noticed a hand placed firmly on his hip. "Are you hurt?" Still no answer. "Are you hurt, Dante damnit? Answer me." Shanice raised her voice slightly, getting annoyed with him. This caught the eyes of some of the people in the restaurant.

"Shanice, please." He turned and shushed her. The sternness of her voice immediately quieted her down. They finally reached the back of the restaurant. Dante pushed the door open to the alley that sat in the back of the restaurant, and they were met with the car. He quickly opened the door and helped Shanice into the car. He began fumbling with her seatbelt.

"I can do it, Dante." She semi yelled at him. Closing the door, he quickly moved around to the other side and entered the car. "Let's go, Tony," Dante commanded, and the car quickly started out of the alley. Shanice just stared ahead, trying to process the whole incident. She turned to look at Dante, but he was still busy barking orders on the phone. He soon got off the phone, and Shanice took it as her chance to get her answers.

"Dante, I would like to know what is going on." She spoke fiercely at him, determined to get her answer. "How do you know that man."

He sighed heavily and turned to Shanice. "He is an enemy to my family Shanice and a dangerous one. How did you recognize him?" He asked.

"I could be wrong, but I think he is stalking me. I've seen him twice in the past couple of days, and each time, he was starring directly at me, just watching me and smiling." She answered doing her best to recall the incidents.

"Where have you seen him and what days." He continued to grill her.

"Once Tuesday I was shopping with Nina on Main Street and then Wednesday when I went to wing stop after your party. Then obviously again today. But I don't understand why would he be stalking me?" She questioned, growing more and more nervous.

"You can't go home tonight, Shanice. I'll take you to my home, and you can stay there until things are safe." He started grabbing my hand and rubbing it gently.

"What do you mean till it's safe? What about my clothes, all my stuff. I need to go home." She started rambling, growing more frantic.

"Shanice, listen to me." He placed his hand on the side of her face trying to calm her down. "You can't go home. You'll be safe with me."

"But I didn't do anything, Dante. Why is this happening to me?" She began to cry, no longer able to control her tears. "How could they know anything were not even dating."

"Listen, it's ok. I will protect you, tesoro, I promise." He comforted her as she cried into his chest. She couldn't respond. There were no words to say. Her life just changed in the span of two a few hours. Her tears continued to fall, and soon when she had no tears left to cry, her body succumbed to monstrous hands of sleep.

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