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Don't underestimate me


~~~~~~don't copy~~~~~~~



    Going out of the big palace, y/n and the three walk towards their car, "set cams"- y/n said Robert and jack smile at each other "on it"- they both said, "Yuna, keep an eye on that king, something seems off, why would someone be so queries about a king's sex life (Yuna nod) and I have some work of my own"- y/n said looking forward. 

Inside a underground pub (rear in arab) 

     Walking inside y/n look at the place, it's nowhere near the same as America or other countries, it's still holds their aesthetics and only foren and few country girl work in hear, I smirk and walk to the bar, "soch in rokes please"- y/n said few people noticed her because of her black and sexy attire "hear you go"- bartender said and put the glass down looking at her, y/n took it and look around "not quite as America"- y/n spoke the bartender chuckel "your in a wrong country to find a pub"- he said, "god, this search gonna be brutal then"- y/n said acting dramatic "if you don't mind me asking, but you came to search something?"- he asked, "umm hmm, my husband, he's been seeking behind my back I know, he said he's in Germany but I know he's in arab with his cheeks, oh what have I done to deserve this, I need to caught him red handed but failed multiple times"- y/n said showing her fake tears.


      "I can help you with a man that will do the work for you"- he said ''y/n eyes shoot open showing hope "really? Oh but.. my husband is a officer he's very smart can your man still able to do it?"- y/n asked, "you gave money he'll do it"- he said y/n smile "yes as much as he will say, umm as fast as he could the better, umm hear is my card, inform me when you contact with him ok"- y/n said the bartender smirk and nod. 

5 days later (y/n pov) 

       "Found anything?"- I asked them, "yap, here is a man keeping eyes on the king's mansion, sometime he tried to get inside but never too near"- jack said pointing at the monitor "can you clear the image?"- I asked, seeing the picture I chuckled, "let's get him then"- I said, "ya but how? He seems to disappear after 2 3 blocks even hacking the security cams don't work on that guy"- jack said, "we just need Robert, where is he?"- I asked, "umm in the van in front of the mansion"- he said "call him, he has little drama to do ''- I said and walked away. 


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


   Reaching the cafe, y/n got in her character and walk inside, she saw Robert was held in the corner by two men and the kidnaper/journalist was in front smoking "hear is your package, now give me my money"- the man said, "sure, (throw the bag) now get the guy Yuna''- i said and Yuna smirk then walk towards the journalists ''what? Why are you coming towards me?"- he said, "the target was you from the very beginning"- I said, "boys''- he shouted and the two bulky guys attacked me, but I was fast, and kicked and smashed their head on the glass table and tased the other one. Yuna already made him unconscious "take him to the van"- I said to Robert he was so shocked. 

Don't underestimate me |Complete✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang