Chapter 12: Bangkok City

Start from the beginning

"Tell me. That it wasn't all part of my plan. I know everything in the shadow world of Bangkok?" Sarawat said as we walked up the stairs. The hallways were wider, made of something expensive stone and polished woods. Upon reaching the upper level, a 40 feet high glass was there, and a statue of the first wizard. He had a magical ball facing skyward with his raised hand, and he was holding a book on his left arm.

"That's right." I didn't look at him as we passed through another glass bridge to the rooms. There were at least 40 in one hallway. " You dabbled with the shadow world of every corner of Thailand, had been a some sort of a mercenary and study every dark wizards, vampires, faes and other evil creatures, and had nearly killed you more than once, just so you could make a living out of it."

Sarawat's side lip curled. "And it's working. Listen, slayer, me being here wasn't my plan. I'm here to help Tine and your friend. I'm still some sort of a mercenary."

"You're an ass." I smirked. "Thank you."

"Sure." His voice sounded pleased. "It's the least I can do."

Arthit POV

The rest of the night had made me homesick. The Mystery Freaks seemed to be not talking in our groupchat, except Khai and Pete arguing where to eat later on. As very persistent as Khai. He used to invite Pete to eat outside university's premises. The two could argue about anything, but now Tine becoming the peacemaker could make their situation even funnier. He typed all caps YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP! WE'RE GOING AT THE CAFETERIA!

Princess Khai: You're not my daddy. I can eat delicious thai food anywhere.

Iron Pete: Ew, no one wants to be your daddy, asshat.

Tine-ysaurus: I will freeze time and bang your head to each other if you two won't shut up! *insert angry emoji*

Iron Pete: Yes sir! ToT 

Princess Khai: Okaaaay -_-

A few minutes later, Khai added; 

Princess Khai: HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM, Tine-ysaurus?!

Evil Mentor (that's me): What happened?

Princess Khai: He slapped my head!


Iron Pete: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're so stupid.

I rummaged through my bag, and took out the hair dye I bought on our way here. I should color my hair brown.
I took out a cup for hair dyeing, pouring the amount in it. Then, I held the brush, mixing the developer and the hairdye into paste-like liquid.

Kong POV

When we settled in our rooms. I laid down on my bed, staring at the luxurious gold and white walls of my room. A new environment could help me forget the horrors and move on. But how can I? If it's not over yet

Fighting P'Trae at the Ravika University made me feel inferior. He'd gotten even stronger. The hellfire magic he used. 

I slammed my fist on the table beside the bed, tumbling the glass of water. A knock came, and I rushed for the door to open it. I didn't want to dwell in my thoughts alone. It scared me. A company would be great now.

"We have news." P'Arthit said.

I reminded myself to breathe as the light struck his dyed brown hair. He looked cute. P'Arthit coyly scratched the side of his nose. "Do you find me cute, huh?" His tone was light and easy but my eyes kept find his, and he wasn't able to look away. I found him cute and sexy at the same time. Especially his yellow collared shirt was slightly open at the chest.

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