Chapter 9: Legion Of Darkness

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Kong POV

"The hellgod's form in the dark dimension is not physical," I explained. "That's the reason why they can't use magic here unless they possessed someone and over time, that person changes his physical appearance, whatever the hellgod wants to look like."

"Or they can mold in their original form?" asked Kao, analyzing this confusing concept.

"Sometimes the supernatural doesn't make any sense. Where does even God comes from? Did someone create him or was he there from the beginning of time?" Sarawat said, waving his hand lazily.

"That question fuels many debates. Unlike the Greek myths where some gods are born from Titans." Kao replied.

"No one really knows where, though."Third jutted out his face to look over to Kao. Then, he looked at me." Trae was just only a wizard."

"When P'Trae died, his soul entered the dark dimension." I said.

"So, that explains why Matthew—Pytro was able to disguise for over a decade." Pete said.

"The New Reality was foretold in the 13th century where the hellgod, Abbadon saw the future that a certain wizard would go rogue when his lover is killed. This sparks a salvation device for several demons and hellgods. Only demons could enter and exit through several dimensions because of their 'inferior' magic. The earth was blessed by the Templars. So that any hellgods wouldn't cross the realm. They waited for centuries until Trae Marvel was kept an eye by lower demons."

"I thought they're multiverse gods?" Third asked. "Arthit told me."

"They're not. Berigon is a liar too. A former general of Satan. He can mix truths with lies. The Hellgods had been gods once but they were banished because of their misdeeds." I corrected.

"Hellgods couldn't cross our world unless if they possessed someone?" Sarawat snorted. 

"And I thought demons could possess humans too?" Tine added.

"They do. Both higher and lower demons. " I answered. "Exorcisms are common in the human world. They only possess those who are psychologically vulnerable. Breaks their will and controls their body. Several priest knew about out existence. P'Aun, the wind demon slayer? He was one of those who witness an exorcism in mundane world, then killing the demon."

"So, back to your story." Third licked his lips as he poked out his head. He was so small that I almost forgot that he was with us. "What's Trae's motive?"

"P'Trae experienced being bullied in the university, his girlfriend died when P'Pierce, a former friend of his,  assaulted her. After P'Katherine's funeral. P'Trae stole the forbidden book of magic. Through careful study, P'Trae was able to decipher and learn dark magic. With this knowledge, P'Trae was convince by P'John, who had been told by Kobra that he was the prophesied that Trae is the savior of this world and promised to give him demonic powers once he would transcend."

"Trae tested his new powers on me, killing my best friend, Lowie. He had mind-control magic before." Pete muttered, I was glad that he didn't feel the burden of the death of his best friend. Quite an improvement over there Pete. 

It was true that P'Trae had mind control magic as his minor which would've been handy in combat.
But he infused every magic he learned with dark ones which results to Lowie's demise.

The guilt peeked out at the corner of my mind. "A month later, he also tested it on me by summoning Satan to get his blood. Satan eventually killed me, and P'Trae resurrected me with the reborn magic, tying my will to P'Trae." I saw Mrs. Gunslinger shot me a sympathetic look through the rearview mirror. "In the end, P'Trae was killed by P'John. News of P'Trae's death spread fast. But P'Trae and P'John planned ahead. P'Trae ordered P'John to kill him, so he could transcend as a hellgod in the dark dimension. After his soul was transcended. He met two hellgods; Arkan and Pytro. However, Pytro was on earth longer than any other hellgods when  P'Knot opened the dark dimension twelve years prior for Kobra and other demons to terrorize the celestial village.

In Pytro's observation, the magic nearly drained P'Knot's life. Pytro just communicated with Trae through summonings.
"Over four years, P'Trae had perfected the plans for change in what he called; The New Reality. He knew he couldn't completely go back. So, he told Pytro to create an illegal group to open the dark dimension. Pytro successfully manipulated the Ice King as he also perceived that the Starkthorn's power might be a threat to their plan. Being a pure demon would also manifest dimensional travel magic, but the user will only unlock it if it would happen on the inside. Which is earth. That almost happened to King Taeko.

Then, at the right place and the right time , he found Ash Knight, a dark wizard and joined the legion of darkness. But Ash Knight was power-hungry and he wanted to challenge the hellgods, he opens several planes of dimension that cancels wizard magic."

"And what about the gems?" Sarawat asked.

"The gems are separated. But they were entrusted to be kept. The gods made an accord to three species; The Shadow gem to the Enchanters in Sarika Island." I said. "The Blood gem to the first Vampire Master, Dracula in Transylvania. The celestial gem to the celestial wizards in Phuket."

"The gods knew that they will protect them." Sarawat said, mostly to himself.

"Correct." I resumed.  "Pytro also had known that P'John's parents were executed by the magic council and the king as rumors of demonoid tower strikes fear that time. Driven to despair, Pytro imparted all of the history of the Skull's Chest to P'John. Opening the dark dimension which he thought would be successful since P'Knot would die from the process, if he would do it again.  Coincidentally, Ash was able to open it and failed again."

My friends wanted to say something to make me feel better. About how fucked up this plan was. It had been just five or six days since their Phuket mission. P'Trae's silence didn't make me feel better on my first day in that cell. It made me feel edgy—perhaps it was a calm before the storm. When P'Trae had destroyed some of the covens, I was beginning to get angrier and impatient.

"How did you know all of this?" Tine asked. 

Knowing the truth cut through me, bitter and sharp. "P'Trae told me. He had everything planned since the beginning. Abbandon was just a seer. The Unearthly gems are the key. Pytro was the string and P'Trae was the one pulling it. He had become...more vicious and clever."

"All of this? Because of his dead girlfriend?" asked Kao. A harsh laugh built on his chest.

I nodded. "He wants her back. Resurrection spells are way too complicated, we know that, and always had severe consequences. He also deeply despised the law and wizards in power because of what happened to him in his college years. So... He wants to change everything."

"Guys!" Everyone's attention were distracted by Pete's alarmed voice. The car halted in front of the gate. I gasped. The school buildings were burning in blue fire. 

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