By the time I reached the gym, even the ride was not enough of a distraction. I was still pissed with this morning.

The campus gym was mostly empty as many preferred to work out in evenings or weekends. First thing I saw was Prithvi, the annoying bull head doing weights. I chug down my tee and stepped directly on the treadmill. If I don't let this frustration out of my system, the rest of the day would be a mess. Just like my life.

My body warmed up, so I increased the speed flexing my arms to catch with the pace. Fifteen minutes into, from the corner of my eyes, I saw Prithvi escalating on the parallel treadmill.

"What got you so royally pissed in this bright day!"

I thought of giving him a cocky reply, then again I have to get over this topic. Also I wanted to see if he was aware of that girl, it was his place to begin with.

So I gritted out a quick recap of the morning. Now, he was laughing needlessly louder, turning off the treadmill. Asshole.

Whatever. I at least felt relaxed. When I was done, I moved to have a quick round of pull ups.

"Honestly it was your fault, you shouldn't have had a fling with her. What was her name again, Mahira- girls like her, find life and fun calculating the number of 'likes' on their Instagram photos." 

It was not fling. She started the rumor and I just didn't paid any attention to it. 

He tsked, "You seriously sometimes make bad choices or keep delaying the right ones."

My glare clearly accused him, "What, Kavya had group study session yesterday at home. You cannot expect me to take responsibility, I'm sure even she must have not invited her. Everyone cringe even at the mention of her name." he threw me a spare towel, once I jumped down.

This is the most he'd talk in a day. Selfishly, I was kind of relieved, because he'd always be right. I could only tolerate so much of disciplinary advices in my life.

"If you want to chase away those girl followers, maybe you should get into a relationship." He advices bringing back the topic.

"Maybe even you should grow a backbone to ask your girl out," my reply shut him up.

I threw him a smirk before jogging upstairs for much needed shower. The sound of steps was loud in otherwise silent room. I groaned lightly when he elbowed me in the ribs, shoveling me aside like a bully.

"Bitch," he muttered.

"Oh, I take my words back. You cannot date her when your actions are of a fucking five year old."

I sprinted to the nearest bathroom as he growled intending to punch me. It was easy to provoke him especially in name of Jo. Even though everyone in the group were aware of their unspoken feelings for each other only I know why Jo was not confidently responding to Prithvi. The great idiot oblivious to everything didn't want to make her uncomfortable by his confession.

Love could impair any sensible person.



My nap was rudely interrupted by the professor's shouting my name. Urgh, I seriously don't like his voice. I lazily opened my eyes not even bothering to sit straight, looking in his direction.

"Yes, professor? I thought my attendance was already marked."

My statement made few students chuckle, mostly girls. I tried to suppress my yawn, it won't do any good to professor who was poorly glaring  at me. I was tempted to demonstrate him what an actual glare was but he is professor, the one should teach not the other way around.

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