Moreau's Final Breath

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I wanted to start this chapter with a thank you for over 800 reads. I've never had that many reads before so thanks to everyone who took their time to read my story.

"So, how are we supposed to drain the water if there's no power?" I ask Ethan.

"We just need to go to that large watermill and turn the crank to turn the power on." Ethan explains.

"Alright let's go then." I say leaving the room.

Ethan follows reloading his guns.

"So what happened?" Ethan asks me.

"I was attacked by something or someone. They kept on disappearing and reappearing in different locations. " I explain.

"What did they look like?" He asks.

"She had long brown hair and a white shirt with flowers. I couldn't see the rest of her." I tell him.

"You saw Mia!?" Ethan yells in surprise.

"Who's Mia?" I ask.

"My wife. She was killed by Chris." Ethan replies.

"Wait, if she's dead then how did I see her?!" I yell.

Something is wrong, i can feel it.

"Let's just kill Moreau." I tell Ethan.

We made it to the watermill and Ethan began turning the crank.

"Almost there- GAH!" Ethan yells falling off of the platform. "Dammit, it broke."

"This note says that if this one broke that we would need to go to the watermill on the other side." I tell Ethan.

"I have a plan." Ethan says walking up to me. "Take this."

He hands me a sniper rifle.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"Moreau is most likely going to attack me. So I'm going to need you to shoot when he gets too close to me." He explains.

I grab the sniper.

"Alright, good luck." I reply.

"Thanks." Ethan says walking off.

"I hope we can save your daughter. Hopefully we're not too late." I tell him before he leaves.

"Me too."

Ethan leaves me alone at the watermill. I make sure the sniper is fully loaded and I aim near Moreau's mutated form.

I see Ethan running across flooded homes and other destroyed buildings.

"Hey John. Missed us?" I hear a voice ask.

I turn around just barely to see who it is, and to my surprise it was Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra. Of course they were wearing snow gear to keep them warm.

"What are you three doing here!?" I ask.

"An apology would be nice!" Bela yells at me.

"A thank you would be nice as well!" I yell back. "I'm the one who gave Duke your crystallized corpse."

Everyone was silent after the interaction.

"I'm sorry for yelling." I say breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry as well." Bela replies.

"Can you play us a song!?" Daniela yells excitedly.

"I can't right now." I say facing back to Moreau. "I gotta protect Ethan."

"OK we'll watch you then." She replies.


"Can we go to my house please, I'm bored." Angel asked me sitting on a fallen tree.

"You can, I can't." I replied. "I have to hunt for my father. He's sick and can't do it on his own."

"I'll watch then." She replied.

I fired the rifle at a deer.

"Alright, have fun watching."

*End of Flashback*

I saw Moreau was getting closer to Ethan and I shot at him. I hit.

After awhile I saw Ethan using a electrical wire as a zip line to get over here.

"I got the crank. What are they doing here?" Ethan asks.

"Don't know, I guess they got bored." I reply.

Ethan attached the crank and rotated the mill until the power turned on.

"C'mon, we can defeat Moreau now." Ethan says running back to the dam control room.

We ran after him. Once we caught up to him, he activated the controls.

"I want you to stay with Duke. Here you can be safe and warm." I tell the Dimitrescu daughters.

They all agreed to stay with Duke. Me and Ethan made our way out the building and to Moreau.

"Come on out you ugly basterd!" I yell.

"Watch me mother!" We hear Moreau yell.

Me and Ethan start shooting him with our strongest weapons.

"Uh, Ethan we should take cover." I say to Ethan.

We run under a metal platform and we see what looks like acid raining from the sky.

After a few seconds it stops. We run back out and start shooting at him again.

"Mother protect me!" He yells.

Soon after he inflates and pops.

"That was disgusting." Ethan says to himself.

We walk into the room that Moreau stayed in.

"There's another piece of the key." I tell Ethan.

"You're better off than I thought." A voice says from the TV.

"Who the hell are you!?" Ethan asks.

"Oh come on, we just met a while back! Not that it has a matters…" The voice replies.

The voice sounds like that Heisenberg guy.

"You're the last asshole in my way, aren't you?" Ethan asks.

"You've got fight, I'll give you that, Ethan. But what's the plan when you have all four flasks?" Heisenberg replies.

"What're you trying to get at?" Ethan asks.

"I could lend you a hand." He replies.

"Trying to get on my good side?" Ethan asks.

"Don't get cocky. I'd kill you if you weren't worth the trouble… There's a stronghold not too far outside the village. Go there and get my flask. Do that, and you pass. First, head back to the graveyard." Heisenberg replies.

The TV disconnects.

"Self-centered prick." Ethan says to himself.

"You know the way." I say to Ethan. "Well, I'll catch up, I have to get the other three."

"Just meet me in the village center." He replies.

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