Getting The Hell Out of Here

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Ethan walks back into the room about ten minutes later.

"Still no sign of Rose." Ethan tells the Duke.

"Maybe she's in the mistresses private chambers." Duke replies.

"Hey, Ethan can I come with you, I'm feeling better now." I tell Ethan.

"Yeah, and don't worry, I'm well prepared for the other two daughters." He replies.

Me and Ethan travel room to room looking for clues on where Lady Dimitrescu's private room is.

We are walking down a hallway, it's quiet, too quiet.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER!" Lady Dimitrescu screams.

"Oh shit." Ethan whisper yells.

"This might sound crazy, but I think she's mad." I reply.

Ethan just gives me the "No shit" look.

We hurry outside the window and we see Lady Dimitrescu in her room, her phone ringing. She waits a little then answers.

"Mother Miranda, I regret to inform you that Ethan Winters and John Bloodhunter have escaped that fool Heisenberg. ...because they are in my castle and has already proven too much for my daughters to handle. When I find them... No... Yes, of course. I understand the importance of the ceremony."

She hangs up and throws her table.

"Jeez talk about anger issues." I say to myself.

"Well, we did kill one of her daughters." Ethan replies.

Lady Dimitrescu leaves the room and we enter. We try to open the door, but it's locked. We manage to find a key, but when we unlock the door Lady Dimitrescu walks through.

"All of this for a child who isn't even here!" She says grabbing me and Ethan by our necks.

She begins to slam us into the ground. She was saying something, but I couldn't hear what it was.

The floor began to break, and me and Ethan fall through, entering a new dungeon like area.

"You'll be sliced to ribbons before you ever see that child again!" Lady Dimitrescu yells.

"Do your worst bitch!" Ethan replies to himself.

We run through the labyrinth hoping to find the exit.

We eventually find a lever. Ethan pulls it, but before he could Lady Dimitrescu made one hand movement and Ethans hand was sliced clean off.

"GAAHH!!! M-my arm!" Ethan screams.

I turn around and grab Ethan. I began to run in the opposite direction of the tall vampire.

We make multiple turns and we're able to lose her for a few minutes.

"Come on let's get the hell out of here!" I tell Ethan.

He pulls the lever all the way and grabs his hand and we run through the door.

We make it to a room with a statue. Ethan grabs the mask and the platform rises.

Ethan pours medical liquid on his wound and places his arm back.

"Ethan that's not how it fucking works!" I yell.

He looks at his arm, then...his hand starts moving again.

"W-what how!?" I yell.

"Don't know, it just felt like it would work." He replies.

We make it back into the courtyard.

"Screw this castle, let's get the fuck away from this place." Ethan says to me.

So should I change up the story a little, like keeping the other two daughters alive, or have something happen to John. Please feel free to give me ideas.

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