Schedules Part 2

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Ay time to introduce Baby Beidou and Ningguang :D

They managed to take the knife away from HuTao and they sent her to the corner with Xiao.

Everyone was done with their meal, so they did whatever they want while the caretakers have a break.

Then it was the usual porate role-playing with Captain Beidou and first mate Kazuha. Their ship is the playground in the backyard of the daycare.

Beidou: Kazuha my first mate! Look after the ship while I go restock our supplies!

Kazuha, salutes: Aye aye Captain!

-Beidou caught a glimpse of Ningguang reading with Yanfei and Xingqiu-

Beidou: Well how do you do M'lady?

Ningguang: Beidou I told you, I'm not participating in this so called role-playing game about pirates.

Beidou: You don't have to be a pirate, just play with me just today pleaseee!!!

Ninnguang, sighing: Fine you win.

Beidou: ALRIGHT! Come on I'll show you the ship.

Yanfei: Do you think they have a thing going on?

Xingqiu: I don't know, but it reminds me of you and HuTao-

-Yanfei books him lightly with her book-

Kazuha: Captain you're back! What did you find?

Beidou, clinging to Ningguang's arm: I found us a wanderer!

Ningguang: I didn't agree to be a-

Beidou: Ain't she fine Kazuha? She's gonna stay with us for the meantime.

Kazuha: Understood Captain!

Kaeya, walking up to the playground: Are you guys playing pirates? Can I play too please!

Beidou: Sure! The more the merrier I always say!

Kaeya: So what am I?

Beidou: Hmmm, you can be the quartermaster, second highest role of the crew!

Ningguang: Can I be something else than a wanderer?

Beidou: Second mate?

Ningguang: Huh?

Kaeya: I think it means you're our navigator?

Xiangling, as the cook appearing out of nowhere: Who?

Beidou: Alright crew! To your stations, we're going to depart soon!

Barbara, as the nurse: Captain! Cabin Boy Bennett is missing!

Ningguang: Well where is he?

Barbara: Gone!

Beidou: We cannot depart to our next destination without our Cabin Boy, search the areas, he must be somewhere!

The crew searched high and low for Bennett, only to find him in bedroom playing with Razor instead. Bennett was playing with them until Razor showed up and Bennett got distracted.

Klee: Qiqi do you remember when we were kids?

Qiqi: Yeah, your mom put a baseball bat in your bag before she dropped you off at my house.

Teucer: A baseball bat?

Klee: Yea and unexpectedly a burglar broke in and I whacked him on the head with it so hard.

Qiqi: Never doubted your mom since.

-3 of them all laughed together-


Yanfei, Xingqiu, Lisa, Ganyu, Keqing and Ningguang's favourite time of day. The daycare had a library with history books, fiction, non-fiction, all kinds of books suitable for the kids.

Somehow Yanfei found the Twilight books Qiqi hides from them. Yanfei started reading them a month and half ago, and she is already on Breaking Dawn. She still has The Short Second Life Of Brea Tanner, Midnight Sun and Life And Death: Twilight Reimagined left to read. HuTao would join Yanfei because HuTao likes paranormal kind of books. Ganyu and Keqing read history books like about the Archon War and Rex Lapis. Xingqiu has no favourite kind of book, as long as it interests him, he'll read. Same as Ningguang.

Yea sorry I finished it earlier at school today but forgot to publish it

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