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August 9, 2021

Jaidyn's pov.
*Knock* *Knock *Knock* "Jaidyn get up you gotta be at school at 8:30." My mom yells. "Im up ma" I say getting up sitting in my bed. I stare at the wall for about 5 minutes until i get a text from the group chat.

Brook💘- Wake yall asses up it's our first day of junior year😏.

Kel😙- Gau damn Brooklyn you hype ash to go to school aint ya?

Me- Hy she tryna go see the new boys that we supposedly got😂.

Kel😙- ahh shii

Brook💘- Yeah you neva know what they look like nii get up and look cute or I will walk to school.

I read her text and laugh. I get up and go take a shower and so my hygiene and everything. Then I go pick out an outfit. Im not really the type to dress all up for school but i guess for today i will. I get a black short skirt thats cut on the side and, a black spaghetti strap top. I tuck it into the skirt I put on my white vans. I put my 'Nike' White and black windbreaker on because it is pretty cool outside. I decided to leave my hair straight but, I put some hair bands on my wrist just incase. I make sure I have everything ready then i make up my bed and call the group chat since its 7:59 and we have to be at school at 8:30.

"Yall ready its 8?" "I dont know bout kel but i been ready." Brooklyn laughs. "Ight im heading out Omw to get yall." "Okkay"

I hang up and go downstairs to see my mlm already gone. I get me a caprisun and head out the door. Since Kel and Brooklyn live on the same street as me I saw them both walking there way to my house. I get in my car and ride over to them. "Get in kids." I say happy to see my besties. Kel gets in the front and Brooklyn gets in the back. "What up Jaidyn" Kel says trying to dap me up. "Eww no don't touch me because you act like you cant talk since you go yo new boo" I say trying to focus on the rode. "Oop" "Brooklyn hush, and Jaidyn no i do still talk to you she just don't like the fact I got two girl best friends but i mean what girl would be like ok with that." "Truu" Brooklyn inputs. "I mean i guess but if its like that then its whatever because you know i don't do drama so I'm not going to get in between nun wit y'all."


We make it too the school at 8:15. I pull up and see all these girls crowed around this orange jeep. "What the fuck if they dont move ima have to run over a bitch." *Beeeeep* I blow my horn hoping for them to move. Some girls just turn around and roll their eyes while others dont even look. "Oh hn that got me fucked up if they think I'm finna be late." Brooklyn semi- yells. She gets out. "Brooklyn sto- GCO" "Bro if yall dont move out the way bruh i swear ima run everyone of yall mafuckers over you heard us blow the horn like gone somewhea." They start to scatter away mumbling and stuff. Brook gets back in the car happy asf. "Ok lets go you guyss" she says acting like nothing just happend.

I find my parking space and pull up. "Yall i stg i think thats the dudes over there" she points to a group of boys one with a big afro one with a mohawk one with 2 braids and and the last one Whew chile he was fine. He had small curly that were a light brown kind of color. "That showl is. I know who im claimin" I say dappin up brook. "Aye bruh yall know im like right here." "Kel shut up im pretty sure we got some new girls too." "Mhm." We all get out and i whisper to Brooklyn "Lets go talk to them before other girls get the chance and boo them up." "Bett come on Kel." "Hn". Brooklyn pulls him anyway and we walk over to the group of boys. I tap on the one with 2 braids. "Hii im Jaidyn, this is Brooklyn, and Kel." I say pointing them out. "And we just wanted to say welcome to the school but ian gone lie its kinda ghetto so dont get yall hopes up." I say laughing. The one with the light brown hair speaks up. "Well wassup Jaidyn." He responds looking me up and down. "Im Chresanto, Thats Jacob, Craig, and Rayan." "Well hi guys do you need help to find your way around. Chresanto speaks up again. "Well i dont know about them but i do." "Well do yall have your schedules?" "Jaidyn its almost 8:30 bruh." Brooklyn pinches Kel where till where he squeals. "Nah we aint got em. "We'll follow us." They follow behind me and I see Brooklyn starts talking to the one named Jacob. "Kel you can go to class if you want ion want you to get in trouble on the first day broski" "Shii well i gotta get to the nurse first brook ass pinched me hard as shit." I laugh. We made it too the office and Kel goes his separate way. No one else was there so they could hurry up and get there schedules "Mrs. Rodgers its some new students here that need there schedules." "Ok- Oh hey Jaidyn how you been girly." Mrs. Rodgers loves me so much for i dont know what reason so if i ever get in trouble which is rare she covers for me. "Im been good thank you." I say moving out the way for the boys to get there stuff.

They all got there schedules and the bell rings. "Ahh shit." Brooklyn whispers. "Its ight girl Mrs.Rodgers got us. "Oh lemme call yall teachers, Tell me all your first period. "Mr. Fall." We all say in unsion. "Oh well ok he missing probably half his class yall better hurry up im calling him." "Thank you Mrs.Rodgers" i say leaving out the office. "Jaidynnn Jacob asked me for my number suh" "Say you deadass" i say laughing quietly so they dont hear us. "Oh everything girl, you better get Chresantos i be seeing how he looking at you." "Hush." i say pushing her arm a lil. "Im fr but ask to see his schedule or sum." "Ight." We finally make it to Mr.Falls class and we hall go in. "Well welcome students have a seat." He says. Everyone goes to sit down i want to sit down by Brooklyn but Jacob hurries and sits by her so i decided to sit at the other seat next to her which was by the wall. Then Chresanto comes and sits behind me. "Well guys this will be your seats for the rest of the year remember it" Mr.Fall states. "Oh shiit." I whisper to myself. "But since im such a cool teacher im going to give you guys socializing time today since its just the first day and i know you all miss your friends or want to make new friends. "Heyy Jaidyn" Brooklyn says smiling turning to mee. "Hey Brooklyn where Kel." I say concerned. "He across the room over there flirting wit Faith." She say rolling her eyes. "Girl well dont you need to be flirting with Jacob" i say quickly putting my hand over my mouth. Jacob turns around when he heard his name and smiles and turns back around. Brooklyn looks at me like she's going to kill me. "Brooklyn im sorry" I say laughing. She goes in to her book bag and im thinking wtf. She pulls out her binder and a pencil and writes something on a piece of paper. She hands it to Chresanto i try to snatch it away but they were to quick. Since Chresanto sits behind me like or desks are back to back I couldn't say anything but stare at Brooklyn she turns around and talks to Jacob. I slowly turn around looking at Chresanto and he's smiling a little while reading what she wrote. I try to sneak a peak but he moves the paper. "No ma'am you aint getting this paper it has classified information on it." He says laughing. "Just tell me what its about" I say fake crying. "Nahh im good." He says starting to rip the paper a little. "Chresanto i will do anything bruh" he stops. "Anythting you say." He says smiling. "Chresanto fr lemme see" i say straight faced. "You gotta let me get a kiss tho. "Oh that aint nun" i say smacking. "On the lips until i pull away." He continues. "Oh my gosh" "deal?" He asks. "Yeah whatever" I say putting my face down trying to stop blushing. *RIIINGGGG* "After school" he says leaving out the class. "I slowly get up and walk out the class excited asf for after school."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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